Saturday, April 5, 2014

Let's Just Hope The New Owners Don't Find That S&M Play Room Behind the Hideaway Wall in the Cellar . . . .

Oy Jeebus . . .

April 5
Associated Press
SMYRNA, Ga. โ€” Trying to appease angry parishioners, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Atlanta said Saturday that he will sell a $2.2 million mansion just three months after he moved in.
Archbishop Wilton Gregory announced the decision following a closed-door meeting with members of several church councils at his headquarters north of Atlanta. He publicly apologized Monday for building the Tudor-style residence and will move out in early May.
"I have decided to sell the Habersham property and invest the proceeds from that sale into the needs of the Catholic community," Gregory told The Associated Press after the meeting. He declined to take questions.
Gregory sold his previous home to Christ The King Cathedral, which plans to expand it and house its priests there. The archbishop said this week that if the church sold the new mansion, he would seek to live in a setting more modest than his current or previous home.

Oh come now! (priest sex-abuse scandal pun intended).


Honestly -- The Gadfly is just incapable of fathoming how it is that these people could not see that a priest, with the funding and means to build and reside in a $2.2 million dollar Tudor-style mansion, might not be the most appropriate message to send to your struggling middle and lower class parishioners during a time of nation-wide economic hardship.

And don't you just love how after, apparently, being caught off-guard by the outrage of parishioners, the good Archbishop promised that IF the church found a buyer for his home that he would relocate to more "modest" living quarters?  Why that's mighty Christian of him.  Perhaps the Archbishop's new digs will look something like this:

Of course it's just speculation dear readers - but considering he was living alone in a 6,400 sq. foot tudor mansion worth $2.2 million, the speculation is warranted and fair if you ask The Gadfly.

Anyhow, the whole sordid story reminds The Gadfly of this song:

Just more additional evidence that validates The Gadfly's long-ago made decision to invest his worship efforts in The Flying Spaghetti Monster instead of the false and apparently disinterested deities that these charlatans do.


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