Friday, April 4, 2014

โ€ผ fffbbbbbbbpppppppt โ€ผ That's The Sound of Pusillanimous, Conservative Thinking Being Emasculated in a Fell Swoop . . .

Fox "News" resident fathead (with a loud mouth to match) Bill O'Reilly has yet to learn his lesson when it comes to trying to match wits and humor with Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert.

Watch Colbert put O'Reilly over his knee and spank his big fathead ass over Billo's assertion that income inequality is simply an unerring fact of existence that is as inherent as life and death:

It's probably best that you stick to your day job as resident blowhard on Fox "News" O'Reilly.  You sure as hell do not have what it takes to compete in the arenas of intellectual acuity or big picture thinking.


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