Saturday, February 8, 2014

Well That Should be a Bit Disconcerting (for all of us) . . . .

For some reason The Gadfly is not shocked by this:

Zurich, Switzerland - 30th December 2013 - WIN/Gallup International, the leading global association in market research and polling, has today published, in collaboration with The BBC's Today programme, the results of its annual End of Year Survey which explores the outlook, expectations, hopes and fears of people from 65 countries around the world.

  • Despite a year of economic difficulty, almost 50% of people surveyed are more positive about 2014 than they were for 2013;
  • US, Canada and Australia are the countries where most people would like to live if they could;
  • US is considered to be the greatest threat to peace in the world, followed by Pakistan and China;
  • Over a third of those surveyed believe the world would be a better place if there were more female politicians;
  • Now in its 37th year WIN/Gallup International End of Year Survey finds that since 1989 people in general have a more positive outlook on economic prosperity for the coming year.

Hmmm . . . ponders The Gadfly . . . what could possibly be the cause of America's planetary neighbors to be collectively of the belief that the United States "is considered to be the greatest threat to peace in the world? "

Help The Gadfly out here dear readers.  What have we been doing wrong?

We have Hostess Twinkies.  We have MTV.  We have the McRib.  We have Miley Cyrus.  We have Duck Fucking Dynasty for god's sake!!

What could it be??

Wait a minute . . . . they're not of that view because of this are they?:

Wed February 5, 2014
(CNN) -- Scores of people were killed and at least 123 others were wounded Wednesday in shootings and explosions across Iraq, senior Interior Ministry officials said.

. . . or this:

KABUL - War took an increasing toll on Afghanistan's civilians in 2013 as fighting intensified between the government and insurgents, the United Nations said in a report on Saturday, with total casualties rising 14%.

Ok -- The Gadfly kind of gets it now.  It looks like wherever we stick our military industrial-complex snout as part of the endless global war on terror, the resulting carnage to the countries where we are rooting about is pretty fucking ugly and bloody for the civilian populations.

Hmmmm --- how can we fix this??  Mr. Obama . . . . the ball is in your court (and no layups allowed).


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