Thursday, February 27, 2014

Uh Yeah -- Slice Me Off Part of The Scrotum Sac, With Extra Icing -- Will Ya' Hon'? . . . . .

This, dear readers, is why The Gadfly is so committed to the unsavory task of reading and listening to the Teabaggers and what they have to say on issues of the day - important or not - to the country.  Partly to spare you dear readers from having to expose your sensibilities to these lunatics yourselves, but mostly so that The Gadly can keep pounding home the point that these people really and truly are the worst of the worst of our citizenry.  In fact - that they are the absolute scraping the bottom of the barrel worst.

Observe - The Tea Party leader in all of his gut-wrenchingly stupid, ignorant and disreputable glory:

After Arizona’s Republican governor Jan Brewer announced her veto of the controversial SB 1062, conservatives around the country were very unhappy.
But none were nearly as unhappy — or unhinged — as Tea Party Nation President Judson Phillips.
In a lengthy rant posted on Tea Party Nation’s website on Thursday morning, Phillips accused Brewer of buckling under pressure from “the left and the homosexual lobby” and condemning Arizona to a dystopian future in which LGBT people force God-fearing Arizona cake makers to provide them with penis-themed sweets.
Describing the vetoing of SB 1062 as “tyranny on the march,” Phillips writes that opponents of SB 1062 want to enslave its supporters.

Allow The Gadfly to translate:  "We Teabaggers are butt-hurt that you dirty fucking hippie liberals (apparently AZ Gov. Jan Brewer is one of us now) won't let us discriminate against them icky gays - 'specially 'cuz the deevine book of our baby Jeebus told us we could.  And to us, we feels that that means you all tyrannical dirty fucking hippie liberals is going to enslaves us chosen by God peoples and force us to bake cakes and other sweet pastries with penises and balls on them."


[ click on pic for enlarged version ]

It's a lonely, dirty and thankless job trying to analyze and then having to comment on these incomparable losers, but somebody has to do it.


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