Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Their Assholery Just Never Ends . . . . .

Sigh . . . . . .

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) on Tuesday railed against efforts by Democrats to extend long-term unemployment benefits, which expired at the end of 2013.
"I believe it is immoral for this country to have as a policy extending long-term unemployments [benefits] to people rather than us working on creation of jobs," he said on the House floor, as quoted by the Huffington Post. "A job is the most important attribute, I believe, in a free enterprise system."

There has to be some very deep, dark and lasting damage to one's humanity gene in order to equate the act of helping to ease the economic suffering of people with "immorality."

To an even larger point though -- how many authentic jobs bills, bills dedicated to creating real jobs and nothing more, and votes have this asshole and his political party crafted and tried to implement since they have controlled the House since 2010?  ZERO!  How many votes have they held attempting to push through the de-funding of the Affordable Care Act?  FORTY SIX!

By The Gadfly's reasoning then, that makes this Texas jagoff a pathological hypocrite - considering the fact that he is assigning immorality to a condition for which he and his colleagues have had the controlling hand in perpetuating.

Every day that passes, The Gadfly loathes these right wing goons just a little more -- if that is even possible.


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