Thursday, February 20, 2014

Somebody is Butt-Hurt That His Chosen Religion isn't Ruling America Like The Taliban is in Afghanistan . . . .

It truly irks The Gadfly that assholes like this are allowed to get away with saying shit like this in public and not have the mainstream media just viciously laugh them off of the national public discourse stage:

Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) this week warned Americans to remember that God “wrote the Constitution” based on the Bible.
During an appearance on John Hagee Ministries’ Global Evangelism Television (GETV) network on Wednesday, host Matt Hagee asked the Texas Republican where the country had gone wrong.
“I think we got off the track when we allowed our government to become a secular government,” DeLay explained. “When we stopped realizing that God created this nation, that he wrote the Constitution, that it’s based on biblical principles.”
“Governments like we have are very easy to destroy,” Hagee later noted.
DeLay recalled that he had closed the Capitol rotunda for three hours as Majority Leader so that members of the House and Senate could get “on our knees seeking the face of God and praying.”

Bear with The Gadfly as he dissects this steaming pile of horse shit:

Ridiculous statement 1:  "God wrote the Constitution based on the bible."

Gadfly's response to Ridiculous statement 1:  Wrong.  "God" is an abstract idea that mankind formulated in the fearful and intellectually dim workings of his mind during the beginnings of his earthly history.  "God" can be anything, to anyone, at any given time.  "God" does not own an ink quill, a lead pencil, a ball point pen, nor a printing press - ergo - "God" could not have "written" anything.

Ridiculous statement 2:  "we allowed our government to become a secular government."

Gadfly's response to Ridiculous statement 2:  Fucking right we did.  The founding fathers of the United States of America Government had seen their ugly share of what happens when the powers of church and state are intermingled and in this new land they wanted nothing of it.  Thus the fact that there are absolutely zero references to "God," "Jesus," or "Christianity," anywhere in any of the founding documents.  If Tom DeLay and his right-wing friends want a government wholly based on a religion -- then move to fucking Afghanistan -- the Taliban are waiting for you with open arms (and locked & loaded AK-47's).

Ridiculous statement 3:  "we stopped realizing that God created this nation, that he wrote the Constitution, that it's based on biblical principles."

Gadfly's response to Ridiculous statement 3:  First - see Gadfly's response to Ridiculous statement 1 - that covers most of it.  Secondly - your version of "God" "created" this nation? Somehow The Gadfly thinks that the few remaining ancestors of our indigenous Native Americans might have something to say about that load of garbage.  Keep up the pathetic and desperate flailing though - it becomes you.

Ridiculous statement 4:  I once "closed the Capitol Rotunda for three hours as Majority Leader so that members of the House and Senate could get on our knees seeking the face of God and praying."

Gadfly's response to Ridiculous statement 4:  Well - that sure does explain how George W. Bush was able to run roughshod over the "real" Constitution (as opposed to the biblical one in your head Tom) and turn a budget surplus from his predecessor into the largest deficit in history, allow America to be attacked on her own soil on his watch, start two unwinnable land wars which our grandkids will be paying for way down the line, screwing the poor and the middle class even further in to indentured servitude while widening the wealth gap for his elite cronies, and basically putting America on the road to a third world foreordination by virtue of the most regressive and fundamentally unfair economic policies this country has ever seen.  Y'all were just too busy crawling around the Capitol Rotunda on your hands and knees looking for your invisible sky being in order to attend to your elected job of governing the country and seeing to the American people's best interests.

It is a very good thing that Mr. DeLay is no longer in government wreaking his havoc on the American people's lives in the name of his perverted view of religion and his even more perverted view of American history.

Oh - and btw - note that DeLay is from Texas.  Can anyone give The Gadfly an example of anything or anyone good that has come out of that state recently - something that has produced real, tangible benefits for a majority of Americans in say -- oh the last half century?  Just one thing! (and no - oil don't fucking count)? (of course The Gadfly is being semi-facetious, but c'mon Texas!)  Maybe it is time to just cut them loose from the Union - since that is what their political leaders have been pining for.  If they are truly that radically intent on ratfucking themselves in to extinction -- why should the rest of us have to suffer from their destructive group-think malady while they push for secession?

Can you tell that The Gadfly is sick of these fuckers dear readers.  Yeah.  Had it up to here (envision The Gadfly poking the crown of his forehead with his middle finger) with these yahoos.

If you ask The Gadfly's not-so-humble view -- it's long past time to tell their Vladimir Putin loving, Theocracy loving, Plutocracy loving, Oligarchy loving, Ted Nugent loving asses to get the fuck out of here if they don't like the secular, constitutional, representative democracy that our founders gave us.


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