Friday, February 14, 2014

Goons Gonna be Goons . . . . .

"Maybe this is crazy, but I think the right to own a gun is trumped by the right not to be shot by one."
~~ Andy Borowitz

Longtime readers of this shitty little blog know what The Gadfly's core beliefs on guns are.

To put it in it's most simplistic form, The Gadfly is not against guns, but he is against guns in the hands of convicted criminals, people with a history of violence or mental illness and people who have as much common sense as a mentally challenged banana slug.

Case in point:

That last line is just precious --- "I do not carry it to be tough or start a fight, I carry it because it is my right and to protect the ones I love.  Yet even with the welfare of others in mind, I am scrutinized and mocked for exercising my Second Amendment right. "

To which The Gadfly would respond - "hey asshole, you are not being scrutinized and mocked for exercising your Second Amendment right.  You are being scrutinized and mocked because, apparently, in order for you to compensate for your inferior physical sexual attributes as it pertains to being a man, you feel the need to constantly carry around a killing tool in public venues in order to intimidate and project fear in to others."

Oh - and it goes without saying that there is a measurable amount of supreme irony that just days ago, this Barney Fife wannabe was whimpering on the op-ed pages of his hometown newspaper about his right to be armed while strolling in public and yet just a few days later he is displaying enough irresponsibility and idiocy with that treasured Second Amendment right, that he is getting arrested for it.

The Gadfly also got a hearty chuckle about the part where this clown also claims to carry his arms in public "with the welfare of others in mind."  Fucking LOL!

That reminds The Gadfly of this classic George Carlin bit where Carlin is mock talking about how he himself would bravely behave in the aftermath of being a survivor of an airline crash:

Carlin had these macho, gun-goon NRA narcissists nailed 20 years ago.


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