Thursday, January 9, 2014

Big Chickens of a Feather Do Flock Together . . .

Hahahaha!  Charlie Pierce has a beautiful take down of Chris Christie's laughable "I have been betrayed and am the real victim here" defense from today's press conference:

The basic theme of the press conference was that Big Chicken was responsible for one thing and one thing only -- of trusting people who preyed on his well-known innocence and his extensively documented and deeply held faith in his fellow human beings. Hell, he didn't even know the mayor of Fort Lee's name! He searched his soul and that's what he came up with -- he, Chris Christie, was sold down the river and, because he, Chris Christie was sold down the river, the people of New Jersey, embodied by him, were also betrayed. He was humiliated. He was deceived. What a world it is when a man cannot trust the hacks whom he appoints to serve him. Jesus H. Christ in the HOV lane, Nixon threw Haldeman and Ehrlichman out the windows with more compassion and fellow feeling than Christie demonstrated yesterday.
He apologized to the people in Fort Lee for allowing this passel of Judases to do these terrible things to him. How, he asked, could they possibly look at him berate schoolteachers and reporters and act like a general jackass throughout his political career and think he possibly could sit still for such obvious thuggery? He was a maverick. He works with both sides. He took an oath. Why is he the only honest man in this whole mess? It's a heavy burden he carries, a lonely road he walks, but he will do it on behalf of the people of New Jersey for what he's done to them by allowing such terrible, awful, horrible things to be done to him. "This was the job I asked for, and I gotta do it!" What a man is this. Stay under the damn bus, Bridget.

"Big Chicken" -- lol.  That's Pierce's nickname for Christie, and it is just so hilariously appropriate.

And make no mistake -- the mainstream media should be shamed and pilloried for their seemingly orchestrated Fluffer role in puffing up the egomaniac Christie and attempting to shove him down the throat of the country as the next great political savior -- not unlike the way in which they assured us that because George W. Bush would be a fun guy to have a beer with, it would make him a great President.

** UPDATE **:

Oh dear --  it now appears that one of the Christie capos involved in the traffic snarling shenanigans is taking the 5th amendment against self-incrimination in hearings presently in progress in New Jersey.  That pretty much is the proverbial final nail in the coffin for "Big Chicken."


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