Friday, December 6, 2013

You Have Your Own Fucking Heroes -- Keep Your Grubby, History Revising Hands Off of Ours . . . .

Ahh yes -- The Gadfly has returned from a week of Frolicking among fellow eggheads in the pursuit of enhancing his educational bona fides.

So hmmm -- what has The Gadfly missed during his hiatus?

Well -- perhaps we should start with the obvious.  Nelson Mandela passed away.  Nelson Mandela was a man imprisoned for nearly 3 decades because he dared to have the view that his race of Black Africans, who outnumbered whites by a ratio of 5 to 1 in South Africa, should have an equal vote and say in their nation's politics and destiny.  But there is something funny going on in the aftermath of Mandela's passing.

What is funny is watching the conservatives in this country twisting their ridiculous selves in pretzel knots and vainly and quite comically attempting to claim affinity with Mr. Mandela's historic and courageous plight and struggle to better the lives of his people.  And it truly is funny considering it was their own political movement, in the form of their vaunted hero Ronald Reagan who sided with the brutal, fascist and racist thugs of the Afrikaner organization - some truly nasty human beings in the human history of nasty human beings - to not only perpetuate the evil of apartheid, but also to keep Mandela imprisoned.

So yeah - go pound sand Republicans, and stop pandering to the mush headed liberals and indifferent libertardians, who foolishly continue to believe that you assholes still retain some measure of integrity, by pretending you actually give, much less ever gave, a flying fuck about Nelson Mandela's life.  Just be honest for once and say that you're happy Mandela is dead.  The Gadfly will respect you more for your candor.

So yeah -- crocodile tears indeed.


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