Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy Freaking New Year! Quack!! Quack!! . . . .

The Gadfly, as alluded to previously, has officially moved on from the Duck Dodgers Dynasty buffoonery. In fact, The Gadfly truly does not give a rat's ass that the suits at A&E Network decided to put, as The Gadfly has referred to him up to this point, the bible-thumping old bigot, Phil Robertson, back on the air.  It's their network and they can do any goddamn thing they please with it, a concept, it might be noted, that is entirely foreign to the idiots who threw a "free speech" shit fit when A&E temporarily suspended the old goat to begin with.

Frankly - The Gadfly would much prefer to talk about the bombshell New York Times investigative report that pretty much confirms that Darrell Issa and the wingnut Republicans have been flogging a dead, decomposing, maggot-infested horse carcass for the better part of a year and a half with their Benghazi-gate hearings.  But there will be plenty of time after the New Year's festivities conclude for that sordid conversation to take place.

But back to the inanity - so basically, the blogger Digby, much more prominent and widely read on the intertoobs than The Gadfly and his shitty little blog could ever hope to be, flagged this interesting video of the bible-thumping bigot Phil Robertson this morning on her site:

[ h/t to Digby: ]

Now - The Gadfly would be the first to acknowledge that he himself is not the sharpest tool in the old proverbial shed, but he'll be a goldurn, suck-egg mule if that video doesn't make it out to sound like old Phil, the bible-thumping bigot, is advocating for young men to engage in sexual fornication activities with 15 and 16 year old girls.

But it's not the admission of having a hankering for sex with underage girls, aka statutory rape, that has piqued The Gadfly's interest here.  Considering the old goat Robertson's fucked up, biblical world view of things, the fact he thinks deflowering teen girls is an unassuming family value and should be a personal pursuit of young American males as he himself once was, is simply additional evidence that those vaunted, right wing Christian values which people of Phil Robertson's ilk are incessantly bloviating about, are, in reality, nothing more than a load of pure, unadulterated bullshit.

So no -- this video does not shock The Gadfly in the least.

What it does do though is it has instilled a bit of cautious optimism in The Gadfly.  Optimism?--you dear reader ask incredulously?  Optimism over an old pervert waxing rhapsodic about statutory raping of young girls?  Absolutely -- and here is why dear readers.  It's because it is a sign.  It is a sign that if the modern day right wing conservative movement has sunk to such decrepit depths of cynicism and distorted ideas of morality that creeps such as Phil Robertson are the heroes whom they rally around and blindly defend, then it really is just a matter of time before that movement itself collapses under the weight of it's own hypocrisy and soulless values system.  And that folks is good news for humanity and for progressive politics in the long run.

Take it for what it's worth.


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