Tuesday, December 31, 2013

"Give Us Our Platitudes - Or Else the Poor Kids Get It . . . . ."

This is some pretty funny shit if you ask The Gadfly's view:

(CNN) - At least one wealthy donor in New York City is skittish about Pope Francis' comments about capitalism.
Ken Langone, the billionaire Roman Catholic who helped found Home Depot, told CNBC he has heard grumbling about the Pope's comments about the wealthy. Langone is helping to run the New York Archdiocese's $180 million fundraising effort to restore St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan.
The billionaire investor and philanthropist, who gave $200 million to New York University's medical center in 2008, told CNBC an anonymous seven-figure donor felt slighted by the pope's recent comments.
Langone has not been shy about sharing those opinions with New York Archbishop Cardinal Timothy Dolan, telling him, "you get more with honey than with vinegar."


Allow The heathen Gadfly to translate that last line from billionaire Catholic Ken Langone for you dear readers:

Hey there Mr. Pope dude -- you better start saying some nice, sugary things about us billionaires if you want to see those checks keep coming in for your parish projects and poverty outreach programs.  Better yet, why don't you plant a big fat smooch twixt the fleshy part of our very fleshy, and if you didn't already get the point, obscenely wealthy, ass cheeks.

Giving a Wall Street mafia threat to the Pope -- that's pretty brass balls bold -- enough so that The Gadfly will dedicate a very fine beverage to Ken Langone's shiny brass ballsiness:

John Cole over at the blog Balloon Juices goes it even one better:

"One of the weirdest things to me about our current pathology of worshiping the rich is that they demand it from us proles. I mean, they are the true winners in society, and they just don’t understand why we don’t love them as much as they love themselves. Everyone knows that the importance of Christian charity is giving away .5% of your wealth and then salving the wound with the grateful tears from the populace."

Hey, who knows, maybe Pope Francis will take yet one more step in his ongoing, and thus far promising, bid to convert The Gadfly to his religion by publicly telling Ken Langone and his billionaire hedge fund buddies to go pound fucking sand.


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