Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Wrecking Ball Chronicles: Eat Your Heart Out Miley . . . .

The Gadfly has been carefully analyzing the argumentative structure of the ACA debate that currently has shut down the U.S. government, costing taxpayers $300 million per day, and which is careening toward an even costlier and disastrous outcome - the U.S. defaulting on it's national debt.

Here is the condensed version, to the best ability that The Gadfly could decipher, as to how this debate has evolved to date:

GOP Teahadists:  We would like to shoot you with our AR-15 assault rifle.
Obama Admin:  No thanks.
GOP Teahadists: Ok.  How about if we only shoot you in your kneecaps?
Obama Admin:  Nope.
GOP Teahadists:  Fleshy part of the thigh?
Obama Admin:  Absolutely not.
GOP Teahadists:  Well, would you entertain the idea of us using a .357 Magnum handgun instead of the AR-15?
Obama Admin:  Go pound sand.
GOP Teahadists:  WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!  Obama is being mean to us and won't negotiate with us!  WAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!

Sigh . . . it is what it is folks, and if John Boehner truly believes that his beloved political party is going to survive a U.S. debt default intact and still be a viable force in American politics, he is just as delusional as Ted Cruz and his merry band of tea soaked pirates are, and that translates to -- we're all fucked.


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