Thursday, September 26, 2013

When Fact and Fiction Collide . . . . Fact, By Virtue of It's Purity - Always Wins . . .

MSNBC's Chris Hayes explains in clear, unambiguous form, the FACTS about the ACA (aka "Obamacare"), and provides supporting evidence that cannot be blustered away by the charlatanism of Ted Cruz and his creepy sugar daddies - The Koch Brothers.

Observe and learn:

The FACTS that Hayes highlights about the Affordable Care Act absolutely terrify the right wing conservatives - because aside from the fact that they despise anything that Obama does, regardless of it's rightness or effectiveness, they cannot stand the thought that the peasantry who will benefit the most and have the quality of their lives enhanced by the ACA - will come to love the program (not at all unlike Social Security and Medicare) and will give all credit to the crafty, Kenyan, commie Negro and by proxy erode even further the ability of the Republican party to be a functional and competitive political force in American politics in the foreseeable future.

Just once The Gadfly would like to see the GOP stand up for the American people instead of the elite corporate overlords.  Just once - and The Gadfly would shut his piehole about this shit for good if it came to pass!  But alas -- we know that is not going to happen.  The sugar daddy industrialists have a firm, throttling grip on the GOP infrastructure throat, primarily via their creation and machinations of guiding the Tea Party takeover of the House caucus.

What it boils down to is the reality that the demographics writing has been on the wall for quite awhile now and therefore the sane wing of the Republican party knows that their destiny as a viable political counterpart to the Democrat open tent framework is in great jeopardy due to the inflexible crudeness, spitefulness, xenophobia and governing incompetence of the Teahadists.  The GOP establishment honchos are facing their Waterloo as a political party -- but what distinguishes this conflict from a historical context, is the fact that their antagonists are members of their own caucus.  It's going to be a bloodbath at some point -- it has to be.

"Inscription on the Statue of Liberty"

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
 Author: Emma Lazarus

Once again -- pass the popcorn.


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