Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Gadfly is Running Low on Popcorn . . . Time for a Costco Run . . . .

Speaking of crap that makes The Gadfly want to stick his head in a wood chipper:

Here Are the GOP's Debt-Ceiling Demands, and They Are Insane

"Delay Obamacare and enact the entire minority party agenda or else ..."
In 2006, then-Senator Barack Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling.How is that any different than what the Republican Party is doing today? people all over cable news keep asking.
This is how. Obama's vote was a silly symbolic vote that had no consequence, but, crucially, it was also supposed to be a silly symbolic vote that had no consequence. Like many minority parties before them, Democrats used the debt ceiling to make a stink about fiscal policy, but they didn't try to hold the White Houseโ€”or the international financial communityโ€”hostage.
This time is different. National Review snags the details of the House's debt-ceiling demands, and once you get through them, you'll be surprised they didn't ask for free ice cream, a lifetime pass to Disneyland, and a bill to rename the capitol "The Reagan Dome."

Read The Atlantic article (click link above) and check out the list of ransom demands that the Republicans are waving in Obama's face over their manufactured debt ceiling debacle.

The Gadfly just has to laugh at this shit, because the ransom demands, for all intent and purpose, are nothing more than the very same platform that Willard Romney and Paul Ryan ran on in opposition to Obama in the 2012 Presidential race.  And we all know how that turned out don't we?  To put it bluntly -- Americans outright rejected Romney/Ryan and the GOP's assault on the American middle class and poor, while in contrast, demonstrating generous fealty to the 1% elites.  To clarify further -- Four (4) million more Americans rejected the conservative candidates and their conservative agenda.  They lost.  End of fucking story!

Ultimately -- as much as The Gadfly is disappointed about some of Obama's policies and decisions, in this particular battle with the sociopaths in the Tea Party - The Gadfly is hoping beyond hope that the President drops his capitulating nice guy routine - just for once - and flips Ted Cruz the bird and triple-dog dares the slimy little Texas lizard to follow through on his blustering threats to shut down the government and cause the U.S. to default on it's debt.

At long last -- let us see what kind of courage and balls Cruz and his pack of yapping ankle biter Teahadist pals truly possess.

Pass the popcorn baby . . . .


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