Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Blood of Tyrants . . . and Negro Democratic Presidents . . . .

The Gadfly is not as worried as some by this poll indicating that nearly half of voting Republicans believe that armed rebellion may be imminent to address whatever grievances they may have:

Eighteen percent of Democrats said an armed revolt “might be necessary,” as compared to 27 percent of independents and 44 percent of Republicans. Support levels were similar among males and females but higher among less educated voters.

And here's why.

The people who answer these telephone landline polls and identify themselves as Republicans are by and large the same folk who identify themselves as Tea Party adherents.  They are, although they would vociferously deny it, the lost generation.  Social progress and a smarter and more equitable way of looking at the world has left these Bufords in the dust and they are none too happy about it.  But disappointment at the changing world around you has never been a valid recipe for successful revolution.

Additionally -- these folk are so woefully ensconced in their own self-made bubble of inviolability, that the thought has never occurred to them that they are a minority of thought in the country, vocal as they might be and as much as the craven media strokes their egos.  And pursuant to that shortsighted viewpoint, they haven't a clue as to the firestorm that awaits them if they were to unilaterally start blowing people and shit up in the name of their misguided ideology.

America is resilient enough in The Gadfly's view to overcome this scourge of right wing nationalism, hatred and stupidity.  The Gadfly only hopes that enough of his fellow countrymen harbor an equal amount (or more) of resolve to turn back this tide of lunacy and allow America to realize it's true potential as the greatest representative Democracy and defender of freedom on the planet.


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