Saturday, April 20, 2013

Wheels of Progressive Change Steamrolling ......

The Gadfly was in United States Air Force military basic training on December 8, 1980 and we had just settled down for a night after a day of good drill practice.  As we were not allowed to have radios in the barracks, somehow, and to this day I know it was due to our Tech Sargent, word filtered in to the ranks that John Lennon had been assassinated.  The flight was given light duty the following day - and no mention of what had occurred was made from the superior officers.

Business as usual.

All the more reason The Gadfly ranks John Lennon in his limited pantheon of heroes.

And just because he is in the mood, The Gadfly will gratuitously share this song with his friends:

And The Gadfly ponders to his self  --- Imagine if he were alive today.


1 comment:

  1. I AM a huge Beatles fan. The killing of John Lennon was devastating to me. It was one of those moments that I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard the news. It still haunts me for the reason you said - imagine if he were alive today.
