Tuesday, October 16, 2012

When The Media Reports What Their Corporate Paymasters Expect . . .

Charles Pierce makes the most sadly accurate observation of the fiasco that American Presidential elections have become and how our dysfunctional mainstream is playing the most critical role in that disillusioning catastrophe:

It is a paint-by-numbers deal for the elite political media, most of which, I guarantee you, already knows what it's going to say at the end of the night. Unless Romney comes out dressed like Anton LaVey, or the president starts reading, unbidden, from Soul On Ice, nothing either of these guys say to Candy Crowley and a room full of New Yorkers will be treated as being of any real consequence. Romney has so battered the political dialogue — and the English language — with his 100-pound bullshit sledge that he has pretty much shaped the narrative of the campaign in such a fashion that his fanatical devotion to barefaced non-facts has become a weird kind of status quo. Far too many people in this business have accepted the Etch-A-Sketch argument to the point at which whether something is true or not is measured by its effectiveness as a tactic. "He had to run to the right in the primaries and then 'pivot' to the center in the general" — that's something that makes the political wiseguys look smart, but, taken literally, it means that the entire election process in the world's oldest self-governing republic is a contest to find out who can most smoothly move from one set of lies to another, and it is also a recipe for depriving the people who ultimately will make that decision of the kind of information they need to do so. How this is in any way good for democracy is not for small minds to ponder, I guess.

All the more reason for Americans to just once and for all make a statement to the media by refusing to watch their programming when it comes to news and politics.  Turn the shit off.  The media is beholden to the same big money interests that both political parties bow down and kiss the feet of.  Until the media is separated from a corporate and financial standpoint from their big money masters, Democracy as we know will continue to wither and weaken.

Send e-mails to the big 3 (ABC, CBS, NBC) and the cable news outlets like MSNBC, CNN, (I refuse to include Fox as they do now qualify as a "News" outfit).  Tell these money grubbing suits who run the news divisions of these companies that you are turning them off and that you are urging your friends and family to do the same.  Hit them where it hurts - advertising dollars based on viewership numbers is what drives these dirtbags to smugly play play games with our Democracy and electoral system.  Let's end it.

Do it and your country will thank you in the long run.


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