Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Wingnut Mighty Media Wurlitzer In Action . . .

This is a classic example of what the right does when it knows it is fairly losing in the marketplace of ideas and their chosen candidate is failing to persuade the electorate with their vision and policies.  They seize on an event like the senseless murder of the U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens yesterday (on the anniversary of 9/11 no less) by some extremists and then let the lying and accusations fly.  They completely fabricate a narrative (Obama sympathizes with Muslims), throw it into the wingnut blogosphere, and then let the dishonest clowns on Fox "News" echo it and next thing you know there is controversy where there should be none.

And, unfortunately, the mainstream press is almost always too willing to be false equivalency backseaters in that wingnut, media echo chamber.

Here's proof.  Watch how Fox's Sean Hannity, one of the most dishonest media people ever to have a forum on national television, coaches and allows his crazed-eyed, foaming at the mouth guest state factual inaccuracies, while a flustered Juan Williams gives his usual (and phony) half-hearted defense:

It's getting to the point where I get physically ill watching this shit now.  These people have that effect on me. They are loathsome creatures who, I am convinced, share a strand of DNA that was plucked from the murkiest, most putrid and decaying muck of the human genome.

This is why I speak out though.  Because if someone doesn't stand up to these monsters, they will fuck this country over so badly, that by the time they are done doing their damage, there will be no future America.  There will be nothing but a rogue, third world nation in place of the world's greatest and fairest representative democracy.


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