Thursday, August 2, 2012

We Are All Just Soylent Green To Them . . .

This is the America that the Koch Brothers and their ilk want to see come to fruition.  And the TeaTards, like sheep being led to slaughter, are their dim-witted, willing accomplices:

The share of the economy made up by low-wage jobs has grown since the Great Recession, and according to one new study, it won’t shrink in the future even as the economy continues to recover. The number of Americans working in low-wage jobs — those that pay wages equal to or below the poverty line — will remain steady over the next decade, according to the Economic Policy Institute, as CNNMoney reports:
Some 28% of workers are expected to hold low-wage jobs in 2020, roughly the same percentage as in 2010, according to a study by the Economic Policy Institute.
The study defines low-paying jobs as those with wages at or below what full-time workers must earn to live above the poverty level for a family of four. In 2011, this was $23,005, or $11.06 an hour.

The Gadfly has no doubt that seeing news like this has the Rove and Koch creatures spontaneously jizzing in their silk underwear with inexhaustible glee.

One out of every 4 American workers stuck in a life of being nothing more than a paycheck-to-paycheck living indentured servant, and no opportunities for economic advancement short of selling one's soul in exchange for even more crushing debt in the form of a high interest loan in order to attend one of these new for-profit "Universities" that are popping up all over the country like maggots out of a pile of cow dung on a hot sunny day.  "Higher learning" they call it.  For the amount of money they are charging people to attend these "Universities" they ought to just simply request that the borrower give up their first born child as a usury bond in the event the borrower is unable to pay back the shark-finned loan.

It is Corporatocracy in it's finest form, and is just another nail in the coffin of what used to be the lifeblood of this country's societal structure - a vibrant middle class that offered opportunities for all to succeed economically for themselves and their families and ultimately realize that ubiquitous American dream we all strive for.

The Gadfly still has some hope that enough people will come to their senses in his lifetime to realize the extent to which the plutocrats are enslaving them and their future generations to lives of miserable serfdom.  Unfortunately, the stoopid is strong in this country Obi-Wan -- and therefore that hope is not much more than a single wispy cloud on the far horizon of a clear, blue sky day.  But even though The Gadfly still has that sliver of hope that things will change, every passing day brings more news which chips away at that fragile sliver and has him beginning to think that maybe George Carlin was right when he spoke about this [ skip to the 2:13:47 mark and watch thru to 2:20:14 mark ]:


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