Thursday, August 30, 2012

RightWingneyCare [ Let 'em Die! ] . . .

Ahh yes - along with a (see chart above) high child poverty rate, here is yet another lovely legacy that conservative political ideology and governing policies have gifted to Americans:

Americans younger than 65 are more likely to die from a lack of timely healthcare than their peers in France, Germany or the United Kingdom, according to a new study.

Research published in Health Affairs looked at the rate of "potentially preventable" deaths — deaths before age 75 that could be avoided with timely and effective healthcare — and found that the United States lags behind its U.K. and European peers.

The United States was also less effective than France, Germany and the United Kingdom in remedying the problem between 1999 and 2007, study authors wrote. 

The research was sponsored by the Commonwealth Fund, a nonprofit research foundation.

"Despite spending about twice as much per person each year on healthcare as France, Germany or the U.K. ... the U.S. is increasingly falling behind these countries in terms of progress in lowering the potentially preventable death rate,” said Commonwealth Fund President Karen Davis in a statement.

Far be it for me to presuppose, but it seems to me that it would be somewhat difficult to realize the full potential of that rugged American individualism and exceptionalism when you are zipped up in a body bag due to the fact you have died prematurely as the result of a shitty and inefficient for-profit driven health care system.

Dontcha' think??


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