Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hating For Hate's Sake . . .

As much as I loathe these Tea Party assholes and just about everything they believe in, I truly don't wish any physical harm on any one of them.  I do wish, beyond hope I am fearful, that enough Americans will wake up eventually to the reality that these people are selfish, hypocritical, crazy and have an intense dislike of democracy -- traits which do not bode well for a fortuitous outcome for America's destiny.

Therefore - all I can do is to just continue demonstrating, to anyone open minded enough to listen, what these folks are all about.  On that note --  here is just one more example, out of a great many, which underscores the kind of awful humans which a majority segment of these Teabaggers have a penchant for being:

Conservatives have had a series of extreme reactions to the Supreme Court’s Thursday decision to uphold the constitutionality of Obamacare’s individual health care mandate: from charging that Chief Justice John Roberts’sepilepsy medication caused him to support the majority opinion, to calling for an armed rebellion against the Court.
Now, the Merrimack Patch reports that a Tea Party leader in New Hampshire is wishing cancer on the justices:

Former Town Councilor Mike Malzone, the founder of the Merrimack Tea Party, said Thursday in a Facebook post reacting to the Supreme Court ruling on health care, “I hope the (5 supremes) get colon cancer.

What really infuriates me even more is that these same people constantly shove their Christianity in people's faces, as if by virtue of calling oneself a Christian gives them a free pass to behave as hateful and callous as they want.

I speak openly and publicly on this blog about this stuff, because I believe with every fiber of my being that if you do not stand up for the principles of compassion, sharing, fairness, equal justice under the law and humanity to your fellow human beings - then what legacy are you leaving the world?  What teachings are you imbuing your children and grandchildren with?  And if you are a true believer in the Christian religion - what kind of mercy can you expect from Yahweh when it comes time for you to meet your maker?

I hope people think about this stuff on a rational level.  This country has so much potential to be the shining beacon to the rest of the world in the wider realm of morality, dignity, integrity and fair justice.  But I truly believe that if we allow people like the Teabaggers to gain control of this country -- that potential will be squandered, and progress in the advancement of democracy and freedom on a world-wide basis will be set back a century or more.

Yeah -- I know -- what does this clown who calls himself The Gadfly know?  I'm certain that some folks who have read my views are of the belief that I am just some loud mouth, dirty stinking hippie liberal sitting at a keyboard baring my soul and views as if they have any meaning to anyone other than myself.  But that's alright with me.  I have peace in my heart because I know that exposing the inhumanity and charlatanism in others is a noble cause worth fighting for -- and I am most certainly up to that task.


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