Friday, September 2, 2011

Big Ed Opens A Can of Big Whoop-Ass on a teabagger....

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I don't always see eye to eye with Ed Schultz and there are times when I think his bombast overshadows his usually on-target messages, but in this case - teabagger Marco Rubio and his teabagger acolytes deserved every second of that ass shredding. I too am sick to fucking death of these ignorant, lying assholes and their "America was a much better country before the existence of Social Security and Medicare" clown routine bullshit.

All one has to do is sit down and spend some time looking at archived pictures of what America looked like during the 1920's Depression era and prior to know that Rubio and his ilk either do not know what the fuck they are talking about, or even more sinister, are willfully deceiving the American people on behalf of a tiny segment of wealthy elites in order to allow those elites to consolidate even more power and wealth for themselves.

Nobody reputable is seriously arguing that Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, and other social benefits do not need any reform at all, but those like Rubio, Cantor, Perry, Bachmann and the rest of these brain-dead teabagging zombies who are calling for the wholesale elimination of those programs are simply put - stark-fucking-raving-mad. They have no clue as to the ramifications of such stupidity - none - nada - zilch and Ed Schultz is spot on right when he wonders how the fuck a fraud like Rubio ever got elected to office to begin with spouting such hateful idiocy.

I do know this - at some point Americans are going to wake up and realize how badly the Koch brothers and their ilk are fucking them and this country over. They'll also realize what dupes and/or willing accomplices the teabagging fuckwads have been in that chicanery. And hopefully once that realization comes into full bloom, it'll be party over for these pukes - every single one of them.


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