Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Pennsylvania Voters Tell GOP They've Gone Too Far

This does not bode well for the success of MAGA's Thousand Year Reich plans.

There were two special elections held in Pennsylvania yesterday.  One election was in a district that Kamala Harris won by 16 points in 2024.  The Democrats took this election yesterday winning by 29 points, nearly doubling the margin of their victory last November.

The second PA special election was in a district that Drumpf WON by 15 points just four months ago.  The Democrat won this race by a single percentage point, a 16-point swing IN FAVOR of Democrats.

And now you know why Drumpf and MAGA are so antsy about and obsessed with making it harder and more of a burden for Americans to make it to the polls and cast ballots.


The 2026 midterm elections are only 19 months away.  If the Trumpublicans lose the House or the Senate, the corruption plans of Drumpf and Elmo are dead in the water and they know it.

A lot of Americans are beginning to tire of these corrupt MAGA assholes already.  Most voters just want competent, reasonably honest governing.  Sadly, Drumpf convinced a bunch of morally impoverished Americans that only he and he alone could fix America's problems and now here we are, on the brink of a fascist takeover of the American experiment.

The Dems picking up a seat in a red district Drumpf handily won just four months ago is a warning shot across the bow of the MAGA pirate ship that Drumpf and Elmo are piloting.

Soon it will be time to switch from warning shots across their warship's bow to a full-on assault with the express intent of sinking their invasive, anti-American vessel to the bottom of the cold, dark, silent sea.


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Elect Inferior Leaders, Expect to Get an Inferior Economy

 Gee.  Who could've predicted it?  (The Gadfly's arm shoots skyward):


"WASHINGTON (AP) โ€” U.S. consumer confidence continued its sharp 2025 decline as Americansโ€™ views about their financial futures slumped to a 12-year low, driven by rising anxiety over tariffs and inflation.

The Conference Board reported Tuesday that its consumer confidence index fell 7.2 points in March to 92.9, the fourth straight monthly decline and its lowest reading since January of 2021. The reading was short of analysts expectations for a reading of 94.5, according to a survey by FactSet.

The business group found that the measure of Americansโ€™ short-term expectations for income, business and the job market fell 9.6 points to 65.2.

Thatโ€™s the lowest reading in 12 years and well below the threshold of 80, which the Conference Board says can signal a potential recession in the near future. The proportion of U.S. consumers anticipating a recession remains at a nine-month high, the board reported."

And no Ma and Pa MAGA, this plummeting US consumer confidence is not due to anything Joe Biden has done.  It's not due to anything Kamala Harris has done.  It's not due to anything Barack Obama or Bill Clinton has done.

The current downward dive of consumer confidence began four months ago.  And what significant event pray tell occurred four months ago in this country?  That's right, a slim majority of uncaring, selfish, morally impoverished voters elected a casino bankrupting, business ruining, lying, cheating, stealing, twice impeached, Putin ass-licking, coup-plotting, convicted felon and rapist as President.  Again.

You think Mango Mussolini's mishandling of the Covid pandemic which led to the largest mass death event in the US in over a century was bad?  Wait until he and his goose-stepping pal Elmo and their Project 2025 co-conspirators complete their handiwork.  This is just the tip of the deadly iceberg that is just beginning to violently tear through the hull of the USS America.

Make no mistake about it, this precipitous decline in consumer confidence is all on Drumpf, Elmo, and and the MAGA party.  It's their freak show.  They need to own every bit of it's stench.


Teacher: Read This Book . . . Republicans: You're Under Arrest

I don't give a flying fuck what anyone says, if your political party spends more time trying to craft legislation to hand out 10-year prison sentences to school teachers for the crime of GASP!, teaching, than they do in formulating legislation to make the lives of those educators and their students more rewarding and successful, then you are not so much a political party as you are a cabal of intellectually bankrupt mobsters.


"Lawmakers in Texas are seeking to impose harsh criminal penalties on school librarians and teachers who provide award-winning works of literature to students. Identical bills in the Texas Senate and House would make it a crime for librarians and teachers to provide books or learning materials that contain sexually explicit content, punishable by up to 10 years behind bars โ€” whether or not a book has educational or literary merit."

A society that prefers to jail teachers yet allow violent insurrectionists to roam freely among its citizenry isn't a society worth admiring, much less saving.


Monday, March 24, 2025

โ™ช Where are the clowns? Quick, send in the clowns, Don't bother they're here โ™ช

Wait?  Wut happened??


"Shortly after senior Trump administration officials discussed and celebrated the bombing of Yemen in an encrypted group chat that, unbeknownst to them, included the editor-in-chief of the Atlantic, a subset of the group feasted at an opulent, secret dinner featuring the president where guests were asked to pay $1 million apiece to snag a seat."

Drumpf is turning our nation's government into a pig's trough for the millionaire/billionaire set who have almost as few scruples as he himself has, and while doing so he and his crack team of amphetamine junkies, boozehounds, Putinphiles, fascist grifters, and conniving billionaires are mishandling sensitive US military intel that in the wrong hands could get American troops killed.

JfC.  They shared highly classified war plans with an Atlantic reporter who has no security clearance - by mistake apparently.  I wonder who else was "mistakenly" fed top secret US military intel by these incapable fucking clowns?

God help us all with these Drumpf buffoons in charge of our nation's national security.


Saturday, March 22, 2025

Billionaire BFF of Drumpf Tells Old Ladies to STFU About Their Social Security Checks

Well, at least you have to give them credit for openly admitting that they are monsters.



"But the Trump administration recently made threats that could impact Social Security payments. Acting Social Security Commissioner Leland Dudek, appointed under the Trump administration, suggested shutting down the Social Security Administration entirely in response to a federal judge's ruling that restricted access to sensitive SSA data by DOGE. Such a move could potentially delay or halt payments to millions of Americans who rely on Social Security benefits, including retirees, disabled individuals, and others.

Lutnick, a billionaire who recently gobsmacked conflict-of-interest watchdogs by promoting Musk's Tesla stock on Fox News, added to the controversy, telling the "All-In in DC!" podcast: "Let's say Social Security didn't send out their checks this month. My mother-in-law, who's 94, she wouldn't call and complain. She just wouldn't. She'd think something got messed up and she'll get it next month.""


These are the kind of people who Drumpf has surrounded himself with.

The planet's wealthiest, Nazi-sympathizing human, and a cabal of greedy, obsequious billionaires who are all just as uncaring and cold-hearted as this asshole Howard Lutnick has shown himself to be.

These are the people who Drumpf has given power over all of us to.

Let's be clear - Howard Lutnick and his billionaire buddies DO NOT GIVE A FLYING SHIT ABOUT YOU.  They just don't.  These pigs are addicted to wealth and the power it brings, and like any addict they can never get enough of their chosen drug and will travel to the depths of Hell to attain ever more of it.




Friday, March 21, 2025

Social Security is Under Siege By the Planet's Wealthiest Person - Why?

If Drumpf, Elmo, and his henchmen shut down the Social Security Agency and interrupt SS benefits to millions of Americans and American families it could very well wind up killing more Americans than were killed by Drumpf's colossal mishandling of the Covid pandemic.

I sure hope the Ma and Pa MAGAs of this country who rely in some part on Social Security or Medicare to survive sit down and think long and hard about what they have done not only to us dirty hippie libtards, but to essentially everyone in this country, including themselves, with their blind support of the convicted felon and rapist.




And can anyone say for sure what Elmo's true interest in purging Social Security, shutting down the Education Department, throwing US veterans out of their jobs, and canceling any vestige of decency and honor from the government and people who hired him?  What exactly does this Nazi-saluting, South African carpetbagger want from America and Americans?

He has more money than any one human on this Earth.  He travels with an army of bodyguards and has an even bigger army of drooling sycophant fan boys. He has fortified mansions and properties all over the world.  He has sucked in more than $40 billion in US taxpayer dollars via government contracts over the years already.  He canoodles with other billionaire 'celebrities' like Putin and MBS.  He blows up $100 million rockets as a leisure activity.  Seriously, what exactly does this prick gain by inflicting economic pain on so many Americans with his rampage through the American people's government?

The answer is actually pretty simple.  Power and more wealth for himself and his billionaire cronies.  That's it.  That is all little Lord Elmo gives a rat's ass about.


Our children and grandchildren will wonder how we could have so effortlessly and timidly sacrificed their futures to the sinister whims of a drug-addicted, Nazi-sympathizing billionaire who is not even from this country without putting up a fight.  And they will be right to feel ashamed that we did nothing.




Convicted Felon and Rapist Lets His Dictator Freak Flag Fly

When Drumpf openly stated during the presidential campaign last year that he wanted to rule America as a dictator, the fucking dirty old criminal rapist was not joking.  Not in the slightest.

At this very moment, Drumpf has his DOJ stooges arguing in a US court of law that based on his own inherent authority as POTUS that he and he alone, absent any legal constitutional standing, possesses the power to independently order the arrest and deportation of any individual in this country he chooses, regardless of whether they are a non-citizen or citizen.

Drumpf is literally claiming that he can order his ICE goons to break down your door in the middle of the night and drag your ass to an ICE detention center and put you on an unregistered, one-way flight to Guantanamo or to an El Salvadoran torture prison based on any flimsy claim of "national security" that he decides to seize upon.

It is an utterly disturbing, un-American claim to make, and one that has never been recognized before in the history of our nation's existence.

It becomes clearer by the day that Americans in this country who approve of this authoritarian bullshit are themselves a significantly greater threat to the continued existence of this nation and democracy than ALL of the undocumented immigrants residing within our borders combined. 




If nobody is willing to stand up against these America hating thugs, then democracy and freedom as we in America have known it will become nothing more than a long lost memory to our children and grandchildren.




Thursday, March 20, 2025

Charlatans Gonna Charlatan . . .

A gazillionaire Nazi and a guy whose head resembles a Russet potato walk into a bar . . .

This is an actual Xshitter exchange between MuskRat and Charlie Mr. PotatoHead Kirk.  

Stand back and gaze in wide wonder at the magnificence of the intellectual nothingness of the people who want to rule over us:





The level of dipshittery between these two MAGA poobahs is staggering in it's breadth.

I mean, come the fuck on.  Seriously?

Anyone who paid even the slightest bit of attention in high schools civics class knows what impeachment is, knows how many votes are required for impeachment, and knows the difference between the House and the Senate and what their respective roles are in an impeachment.

Elmo and Charlie Kirk are either too stupid to know these things, or as I am more inclined to believe, they know that most of their followers are people who are as uninformed and ill-informed as they come and so they exploit that ignorance by engaging in these calculated social media exchanges of disinformation in order to keep the MAGA base perpetually dumbed down and more prone to manipulation.

It just goes to show how deep the moral rot truly is with these guys. ๐Ÿ˜ถ




Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Elmo's Indiscriminate Chainsaw Massacre Continues Unabated

That Drumpf hired the world's wealthiest immigrant billionaire to use his chainsaw to "reform" the Social Security program demonstrates the extent of the contempt he has for average Americans and their economic plights.

Essentially, Ma and Pa MAGA voted to have their economic security shredded by a chainsaw wielding, drug-addicted psychopath who harbors deep delusions of world dominance in his Nazi sympathizing head.


"Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman on Wednesday buried billionaire Elon Musk for his reported plans to gut the Social Security Administration by cutting telephone services for beneficiaries.

Writing on his Substack page, Krugman cites reports that Musk intends to gum up beneficiaries' abilities to get information about their benefits over the phone by forcing them to verify their identities either over the internet or by visiting field offices in person.

"Bear in mind that weโ€™re talking about older and/or disabled Americans, many of whom are unable to access the internet and physically unable to visit SSA offices โ€” which would in any case be overwhelmed by the increased traffic, given that the agency is already facing large staffing cuts," Krugman explains. "So this would be a move of almost cartoonish cruelty, and a nightmare for millions of Americans."

Krugman then speculates why Musk might undertake such an initiative, and he doesn't think that it's about trying to save money for American taxpayers."




Wanton cruelty is the point with these MAGA/DOGE stooges.  It's the only way they know how to communicate with other human beings and it will eventually be a major fact in bringing about the destruction of their undemocratic, inhuman, un-American movement.





Donald Trump is a Russian Asset and the Evidence is Overwhelming

Yet more Drumpf executive actions that clearly benefit Putin and Russia.




And not to be outdone by easing up on investigating Russian terrorism - how about whitewashing some of the crimes for which Putin is now a wanted war criminal:




Drumpf spends more time and expends more effort trying to make life easier for Vladimir Putin than he does for average Americans.  That he is much more beholden to Putin's needs than the needs of his fellow countrymen is indisputable at this stage.

And apparently, Ma and Pa MAGA don't mind being just an inconvenient afterthought for Drumpf as his fascist regime takes root and sells out America and our shared American values and ideals one corrupt executive action at a time.


