Friday, February 21, 2025

Beating Up Women - Just Another Day in Fragile MAGA Male World

Hmm - it's MAGAs Criminally Assaulting Women Day - again? And nobody told me?

First off, here's Florida MAGA (of course, right?) Congressturd Cory Mills seemingly having been involved with an assault against an unknown woman:




The Republican party of Florida truly is a toxic cesspool of political dregs in our society. There are so many criminals and deviants in the ranks of that MAGA top heavy organization. It's a full-time chore just trying to keep up with the parade of rightwing political scandals that perpetually come from that state.


Then there's this breaking news from today: Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was arrested at the scene of his January 6th conspiracy and coup attempt, the US Capitol, for assaulting an unknown woman counter-protester:



If you recall, in May of 2023, our little buddy Enrique had been convicted by a jury of his American peers in an American courtroom of seditious conspiracy AGAINST the United States. Tarrio was convicted of obstruction of Congress, obstructing law enforcement, and of two additional counts of conspiracy, with a terrorism enhancement. He was subsequently sentenced by an American judge to a 22-year federal prison sentence.

Drumpf shamefully gave a full and unconditional pardon to this violence-prone, fascist little piece of shit as one of his very first executive actions after taking the oath of office on January 20th of this year. He also pardoned all of Enrique Tarrio's fellow terrorist friends and the hundreds of convicted thugs who violently participated in the attack on the US Capitol that day. Tarrio was involved in a plot to violently take over the US Capitol, murder a few politicians like Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi, and others, all in a plot to keep Drumpf in power and Biden from taking the office that he had just legitimately won. Drumpf essentially pardoned one of his own criminal coup co-conspirators.

And now today, Tarrio gets arrested for physically assaulting a woman at a public event, once again on the grounds of the US Capitol, the scene of his previous crimes. And it would not shock or surprise me one bit if Drumpf comes to the rescue of his little terrorist buddy yet one more time by illegally pressuring Capitol police to dismiss the assault charge against Tarrio. Because if there is one thing history has shown us is that fascist thugs always defend fellow fascist thugs.

Oh, and isn't it so on brand for these tough guy MAGA shitstains to be beating up women? All of these losers, Drumpf and Elmo included, with every one of their ugly actions show us all who they are every damn day. And rest assured, it is going to get a lot worse in the coming weeks, months, years unless people start consistently showing up at the ballot box and put an end to it. Count on it.





"Someone With His Business Acumen...": The Tragic Delusion of Passive Drumpf Supporters

The indiscriminate purging of federal employees continues apace under the Drumpf/Musk regime, and some of the victims are only just now beginning to comprehend more fully the meaning of the acronym FAFO:


"One of the laid off IRS employees, Robert McCabe, told NBC10 he went into work on Thursday and had issues logging in. He and his coworker sat around and waited for instructions. He then received the layoff letter shortly before 11:30 a.m. McCabe said he had been a supporter of President Trump prior to the layoff.

“You know when he talks about government waste and all that, yes, I’m behind it,” McCabe said. “I believe there is a lot of stuff in the government that needs fixing. And that’s part of the reason why I actually wanted to work for the government, actually. To help change. Help change the things that are wrong in the world, you know? I thought that someone with his business acumen would have come in with a fine-tooth comb and actually found it instead of coming in with a wrecking ball and destroying people’s lives for no reason.”"






Lol. Good lord.

Let's dispense right off the bat here with one of the biggest, most laughably manufactured dear leader myths that the MAGA meatheads have created around their charlatan cult leader, Drumpf.

DonOld Drumpf has NEVER throughout the entirety of his depraved, ethically blighted life, not so much even for 5 minutes in any single day, EVER been considered to be in possession of "business acumen," at least not by credible people who have firsthand knowledge of this amazing "acumen."

Clearly this pink-slipped, Drumpf voting IRS employee fellow hasn't got a damn clue as to what the word "acumen" means as applied to one's adeptness at running a business.

Drumpf was born with his wealthy father's silver spoon in his big mouth.  As a young "businessman," DonOld blew through the hundreds of millions in inheritance money from his father, spending it wildly on cocaine, hookers, and the international jet setting lifestyle.

His profligate spending on partying with celebs, coke, and whores eventually resulted in his own family putting him on a controlled allowance for a time.

After that humiliating episode, Drumpf embarked on one of the most prolific business failure streaks that the modern world has ever seen from one individual.

Let's do a quick review of DonOld Drumpf's "business acumen" shall we?: 



Bankruptcy 1: The Trump Taj Mahal, 1991

Bankruptcy 2: Trump Plaza Hotel, 1992

Bankruptcy 3: Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, 2004

Bankruptcy 4: Trump Entertainment Resorts, 2009



Trump Steaks

Trump News Media

The Trump Network


Trump on the Ocean

Tour de Trump

The New Jersey Generals

Trump Ice

Trump University

Trump Magazine

Trump: The Game

Trump Mortgage

Trump Vodka

Trump Airlines

Trump Clothing Line

Trump Cologne

Trump Water

Trump Wine

Trump Tower Tampa

Trump Casinos

Trump’s Comms company



Trump Media - lost $400 million last year


Acumen?? Not even fucking close. The guy is a prolific failure as a businessman. He is a colossal fraud and a devious scammer as the disgusting 'Trump University' scandal showed the world.

Sadly most of these Republican Drumpf voters have chosen to live their lives in open denial about just how scummy and immoral their choice for POTUS truly is. And now their conscious choice to ignore the reality of who Drumpf is and what he stands for is coming back around to haunt their very own pathetic lives and quite frankly, I am trying very hard to keep myself from not giving a flying shit about their plight. Mostly because, you know, FAFO.




Perhaps it is Time for America to Recall Elmo

The guy whose "self-driving" automobiles keeping getting recalled for major defects, keep crashing and killing their occupants, and keep spontaneously combusting has been assigned the task of "fixing" Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, VA benefits, inflation, and the federal workforce.


Sorry, but that really is the only proper reaction to that observation.







Drumpf: 200-year Old Americans Are Collecting Social Security!

Anyone believing the nonsense being spewed here by a clearly dementia-ravaged Drumpf is much more of a psychologically damaged human being than originally believed and they seriously ought to seek out professional mental health counseling.






The MAGA Freak Show Rolls On

The surreal times we are living in. My God.

Take a good look at the drug-addled freak who Drumpf put in charge of determining whether Americans get to keep their Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, and VA benefits while creating a mass pool of unemployed federal workers in one fell swoop with his DOGE purges. And while performing all of that dirty work he is simultaneously rigging taxpayer subsidized contracts for himself and his businesses.

Elon Musk is not a serious person.  He is not an ethical person.  He is not a trustworthy person. In fact, Elmo is literally a guy you would not trust to be alone in a room with one of your loved ones, more so if they are female. He is a weirdo and freak and his illicit drug habits are no secret. And Elmo really is not that smart of a guy folks. Not smart in a common sense way of being smart. I mean, have you heard this guy actually speak at length on any complex subject? No? Try it some time. You will discover that Little Lord FlauntHisToys really is nothing more than an absurd, walking, squawking, snarky, snotty, shitposting little social media troll who thinks that just because he has amassed more wealth than any other human on planet earth and purchased himself an American President, it means he therefore must be much smarter than all other humans on earth as well. 

Reality Check: Elmo is not that intelligent. When it comes to bare intellect, he falls on the scale somewhere between a post-Ivermectin Joe Rogan and Beavis from Beavis and Butthead.

Elmo is also not a decent person by any measure either. He has his own history of sexual scandals and business ethics transgressions, and is a litigious shithead as well. And of course, when it comes to indecent people, Drumpf attracts them like flies to a pile of fresh cow dung on a hot, sunny day, and that is essentially how Elmo ended up plopping $300 million of his own petty cash into Drumpf's pockets the last month before the election and used his Xshitter media platform to pimp Drumpf's Russian-endorsed presidency and suppress opposition voices.

Drumpf the pussy grabbing, failed reality TV show host, convicted criminal, twice-impeached, court-adjudicated rapist and coup plotter hooking up with a Bond villain, carpetbagging, South African billionaire and his merry posse of H-1B, incel cyber trolls and being in charge of the world's most complex economy, democracy, military, and nuclear arsenal. What could possibly go wrong, right? Right??





Thursday, February 20, 2025

America's Mobster POTUS

What are we doing to our country when the ruling party is so pants-shitting terrified of their own party leader that they refuse to speak out against his most egregious abuses of power and scandalous executive actions because they are fearful of being murdered by his cult sycophants?

That isn't a governing party or coalition.  It's a Mafia outfit.  And Drumpf is the Mafia Kingpin, and the Republicans in the Senate and Congress are nothing more than his mafia outfit's capos and foot soldiers.

Is this the future nation you want your children and grand-kids growing up in Ma and Pa MAGA?  One where targeted violence and governing by mob fear and extortion is the new American political landscape, and where your elected representative fears for the safety of their life and their family's lives if they dare speak their mind about their party leader?  Really?

God help us all if the answer to that question is a universal 'YES.'




Wednesday, February 19, 2025

It's Sing-a-long Time! A One, and a Two, and a Three! . . . ♫♫♫

An ode to the world that Drumpf and MAGA are preparing for us should DonOld succeed with coronating himself dictator for life.





Meet The World's Newest Budding Monarch: King Drumpf

This is what DonOld Drumpf posted on the official government White House Xshitter account today:




First off - he is such blood-curdling embarrassment to this country.  The term 'malignant narcissist' does not come anywhere near to being an apt description of DonOld Drumpf's depraved soul and warped id.  It is so much more worse than that.

If Drumpf ever truly declares himself King and ruler for life, suspends our Constitution, and begins roundups of more than just Mexican lettuce pickers and Haitian janitors, this country is going to experience a time of troubles and civic conflict that it has not been witnessed within the boundaries of it's own borders since the US Civil War.  There are way more people in this country who DO NOT wish to live under a repressive, authoritarian dictatorship, or King, than those who do, and that silent majority will not stand idly by and watch as a mobbed-up, pussy grabbing, failed reality TV show host and Putin asset and his cabal of immigrant billionaires takes this country down the road of repression and despotism.

Drumpf's comments during last year's presidential campaign about wanting to rule the US as a dictator were not off-the-wall, joking statements.  The crooked old mobster meant every damn word.

And you know what?  Some of the better citizens of this country sincerely tried to warn Ma and Pa MAGA about Drumpf's twisted, imperious inclinations.  They really did.  In response, they were scoffed at and given the middle finger for the most part.

If Drumpf succeeds with his authoritarian ambitions, you can count on there not only eventually being a major societal backlash and violent upheaval, but also an ignominious end to the Drumpf movement, and a moral reckoning for those Americans who helped the wannabe dictator become an actual dictator-King.

Go read a history book or three about how the Germans who supported Hitler and the Nazi party were treated at the end of World War 2, a war they started.  That is the kind of moral reckoning that would be in store for current Drumpf conspirators and enablers should he go full-on dictator and drag America down that horrible path.

FAFO, as they say.




Tuesday, February 18, 2025

DonOld Returns to the Crime of a Familiar Impeachment Scene

Yet another high level DOJ resignation of a well-respected, honest federal prosecutor, Denise Cheung, who has refused to follow an order from her Drumpf and his "allies" to use her position to open a bogus investigation of Joe Biden, which incidentally is the same damn act of public corruption that got the filthy old mobster Drumpf impeached the first time.  If you recall, it was the dirty phone call and dispatching Rudy and this thugs to extort Ukraine's President Zelensky in to opening a strawman (aka phony) investigation of the Bidens in Ukraine.  Zelensky rightfully told them to fuck off.

Now DonOld and his "allies" have pressured the "top senior" federal prosecutor in Washington, Denise Cheung, to open a bullshit federal investigation of Joe Biden.  Cheung, being just as righteous an individual as Zelensky in response, apparently told Drumpf and his "allies" to fuck off and submitted her resignation, not wanting any part of the sleazy deal.

It's sad that our government is losing these decent, honest, hardworking public servants like Denise Cheung to scum like Drumpf and his Musk, oops, I meant "allies,". . . but at the same time it is heartening to see good people standing up to their evil machinations.


"The Trump-era Department of Justice has been rocked by yet another resignation, leading to a cascade of reactions Tuesday.

According to Reuters' Sarah N. Lynch, Denise Cheung — the top senior prosecutor in DOJ's Washington office — told her colleague Ed Martin, in her resignation letter, that she is leaving DOJ because of a request from Trump Administration officials she considers improper. The Trump allies, Lynch reports, asked Cheung "to launch a criminal probe" and "ordered her to investigate a government contract awarded during Joe Biden's administration and pursue a freeze of the recipient's assets."

In her resignation letter, Cheung wrote, "I have been proud to serve at the U.S. Department of Justice and this office for over 24 years. During my tenure, which has spanned over many different administrations, I have always been guided by the oath I took.... to support and defend the Constitution.""




Jesus Turned Water into Wine. Drumpf Turned America's Friends into Enemies.

And remind The Gadfly someone, anyone, how turning America's longtime foreign allies into enemies helps to lower the cost of eggs, groceries, and gas, fixes our immigration system, shores up social security and medicare, or makes healthcare accessible and affordable?

By the time these MAGA fucksticks finish with their right-wing, economic terrorism orgasm, most Americans will be considered fortunate to have access to all those nice things.

You still don't see the freight train headed your way do you Ma and Pa MAGA?  It's so sad to see.

It's gonna be one hell of a spectacle when reality collides with Ma and Pa MAGA's perception of Trumpian utopia, ain't it?


Wait until some of these former allied nations start restricting Americans from visiting their shores.  That's going to be just a little bit more than interesting.
