Friday, January 17, 2025

Elmo Moves in to The Storage Closet in the White House Basement




I wonder if Ma and Pa MAGA knew that when they cast their precious vote for dear leader DonOld this past November, they were getting a package deal that includes our dear friend Elmo, the carpetbagging, South African gazillionaire who blows up $100 million dollar rockets as a hobby, hangs out with the Saudi butchers and Jared Kushner at soccer matches, has secret back-channel, midnight conversations with the wanted war criminal Putin, and is the best friend the Chinese government ever had, set up with his very own office just steps away from the American people's White House oval office?

Serious questions to the MAGAs - and I am trying mightily to stifle a giggle fit while writing this - did you all really believe that Drumpf wanted to get back in the White House because he sincerely gives a flying shit about your interests, or the interests of your American cities, towns, and communities?

Did you truly think DonOld decided to run for POTUS a second time because he is sympathetic to your personal economic situation, or cares about people's jobs, or healthcare, or education, or childcare, or social security, or any of that shit?

Did you seriously believe he gave even a rat's ass of consideration about your conservative way of life, or your traditional conservative "values" whatever the Hell those may be these days (it's hard to tell based on MAGA's faith in a criminal and rapist) in making his determination to run for POTUS again?

And did you really, really, truly, honestly, seriously, and sincerely believe that Donald has converted to Christianity and now harbors the principles of love and mercy and forgiveness and charity of Jesus Christ in his heart, and has dedicated the remainder of his decrepit, debauched, criminal life to doing the Good Lord's works and deeds and bestowing acts of Christ-like benevolence on humanity?? . . . bwah-hahahahahaha . . . sorry, I couldn't hold back the giggle fit any longer, lol.

Oh my, oh my, oh my . . . such a terrible, Godawful betrayal coming Ma and Pa MAGAs way, and sad to say, they are the proverbial deer in the headlights.



--- TFG


49.9% Of the Popular Vote Total Isn't a "Mandate" to do Shit

Hate to be the bearer of unpleasant news to you Ma and Pa MAGA, but the simple, unadulterated reality, regardless of whether any of you acknowledge it or not, is that your dear leader DOES NOT have the authoritative "mandate" that he and his dishonest enablers claim he possesses.  It's just not the case.

Drumpf could not even break the 50% threshold of the national popular vote total in this past election:




49.9% is less than half for you stable MAGA math geniuses out there.

Drumpf's winning popular vote margin is the fourth smallest in more than 60 years of US presidential elections.

And that is why the Democrats have every fucking right in the world to oppose Drumpf's policies and do everything in their power to undermine his punitive political agenda, within constitutional confines - for now, and I for one sure hope they do just that.  The Democrats need to make it their duty to ensure that Drumpf is a failed POTUS again, just as he was in his first term.  They must not do anything that makes this second undeserved, unearned term in office a pleasant experience for the filthy old coup-plotting mobster.



He's an Expert at Blowing Shit Up. Drumpf: "Hire Him!"

Link: 'It blew up': Social media mockery takes off as SpaceX rebrands midair explosion - Raw Story


The guy whose electric vehicles spontaneously burst into flames, and whose rocket ships keep exploding upon launch has been anointed by Drumpf to oversee and streamline government spending.


Good luck with that Ma and Pa MAGA.  Uncle Elmo has a special "rapid unscheduled economic disassembly" in store for all of you.


Thursday, January 16, 2025

MAGA Plans to "Repeal" America Back a Century: It Will Cost Americans Dearly



Hey Ma and Pa MAGA!  Remember when we libtards repeatedly warned you that if you re-elected Drumpf he would unleash MAGA monkey House mutts and his billionaire dogs of war on average Americans?  Well guess what - it's already started, and the sons of bitches haven't even officially come to power yet:

"Pennsylvania Republican U.S. Rep. Scott Perry and 15 other House Republicans have filed a bill to completely repeal the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, President Joe Biden’s health care and clean energy infrastructure law. Repeal of the law would significantly increase costs for millions of American consumers.

The 2022 law, passed by Democratic majorities in Congress without a single Republican vote in favor, authorized $369 billion in energy and climate change infrastructure investments; capped out-of-pocket prescription drug and insulin costs for millions of older Americans; authorized the Medicare program to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies for lower prices on commonly used drugs; and provided funding to the Internal Revenue Service to modernize its operations and crack down on wealthy tax evaders.

On Jan. 1, an Inflation Reduction Act provision went into effect that limits out-of-pocket prescription drug copayments by Medicare Part D subscribers to just $2,000 annually. For nearly 19 million Americans, this will mean an average savings of $400 in 2025; those with the highest prescription drug costs will save an average of $2,500, according to a Department of Health and Human Services model."


Not only are they coming after your affordable insulin and affordable prescription meds, they are coming with chainsaws in hand for your Medicare and Medicaid, your Social Security, your unemployment benefits, your children's free public education, your Veteran's benefits, your quality of life, and much more.

Drumpf and his Billionaire Boys Club administration have their long knives out for essentially any program, or agency, or tax law that benefits and betters the lives of average, working, honest, taxpaying Americans.  

Why?  Because someone has to pay for the ginormous tax cuts that Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and the rest of the billionaire, tech broligarchs who Drumpf has appointed to key positions in his new "government" want for themselves.  Why do you think all three of those aforementioned wealth hoarders are sucking up to and groveling at the feet of the Orange Emperor right now?

But this is what you voted for Ma and Pa MAGA.  You essentially voted to harm yourselves because "eggs are expensive" and the "woke" idiocy.  Regrettably, it will be much too late before most of you realize and accept the reality of what your slavish vote for that degenerate individual has done not only to yourselves and our nation, but to the world at large.

--- TFG

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

It's Not Hegseth's Lies That are the Outrage, It's His Nomination

Link: Trump nominee's 'outrageous lie' before Senate singled out by MSNBC host - Raw Story 


If any of the Ma and Pa MAGAs out there have sons or daughters who are active US military or are considering joining the US military, this may or may not interest you.  It probably won't be of much interest to many, since most of these MAGA voters don't give a shit about anything but themselves anyway.

But in the event these MAGA folks haven't been paying attention, it appears that Donald Drumpf and the gutless, servile weasels in the Republican party are going to ram through DonOld's choice of Pete Hegseth to lead the nearly 3 million American men and women of the combined US armed forces in the position of US Secretary of Defense.

Yesterday's senate confirmation hearing for Hegseth highlighted just how fucking awful DonOld's choice of this guy for Defense secretary really is.  Hegseth is as equally awful as Drumpf nominating child sex-trafficker and prolific prostitute customer Matt Gaetz as head of the Department of Justice.

To put it quite bluntly - Drumpf nominated a C-grade Fox "news" talk show host, an individual who has a documented background of sexual misconduct, a background of familial betrayal (serial adultery), a background of alcohol abuse on the job, a background of cozying up to Nazi sympathizers and white nationalists, and a background of public dishonesty.

Think about this.  Drumpf is appointing a guy who failed to honor his pledged oaths to three wives to be faithful and true to them.  And now this person is going to be sworn in, on the bible no less, by a bunch of brazen Trumpublican hypocrites to be faithful to the United States of America, the American people, the US Constitution, and the men and women of the US armed forces.  Lol.  What a sad, bleak joke on the American people.

Anyone believing that Hegseth's tour of duty as US Secretary of Defense will be anything but an unmitigated disaster for the US military and our men and women in uniform is in deep fucking denial.


--- TFG

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

It's Official. In One Week a Convicted Criminal and Coup-Plotter Will Be Residing in The American People's White House



It is a simple and irrefutable fact.

Donald John Trump is a convicted felon.  He is a jury-convicted criminal.  Drumpf's 34 felony convictions were upheld by a New York Court last week.  He has been indicted three other times in disparate US venues for additional felony crimes.

And now Volume 1 of the Jack Smith report has been released to the public by the DOJ after Drumpf and his Elmo paid-for lawyers tried to get Aileen Cannon to block the release.  And essentially what we have here dear readers is a stake to the heart of Donald John Trump's blubbering claims of innocence over his role in the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol.  That incident got several people killed.  It put hundreds of law enforcement personnel in the hospital, and saw a rampaging, hell-bent for revenge mob of Trump's supporters violently storm their way inside the US Capitol building, vandalizing and stealing personal and government property, terrorizing the people inside the Capitol, and threatening to murder lawmakers.

Jack Smith was very clear about what should have happened to Donald Trump based on the evidence DOJ investigators have gathered on him:


"The Department’s view that the Constitution prohibits the continued indictment and prosecution of a President is categorical and does not turn on the gravity of the crimes charged, the strength of the Government’s proof, or the merits of the prosecution, which the Office stands fully behind. Indeed, but for Mr. Trump’s election and imminent return to the Presidency, the Office assessed that the admissible evidence was sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction at trial."


Let's repeat that last line . . .

"...the admissible evidence was sufficient to obtain and sustain a conviction at trial."

Now you all know why Drumpf ran for office a second time.  

That's right.  He didn't run for POTUS again because he gives a shit about any of you goofy, delusional Ma and Pa MAGAs, lol, get real.  Drumpf could not give less of a shit about ANY of you people.  Believe me, you will come to find this out (the hard way) eventually.  

And No, Drumpf did NOT run for POTUS again because he actually believed Biden won by fraud in 2020.  He knew he had lost that election, and that he had lost fairly.  "The Big Lie" about election fraud was to manipulate the know-nothing dipshits in this country into believing poor, beleaguered DonOld was cheated out of his rightful throne by hordes of zombie voting immigrants and Chinese space lasers or some such other stupid shit.

No Ma and Pa MAGA - the plain, unsophisticated truth of the matter is that your hero knew that getting re-elected POTUS was the ONLY way he could avoid spending the remainder of his rotten, no good, corrupt, traitorous life in a federal prison cell.

I sure hope Smith and Garland are safeguarding ALL of the material evidence that they have gathered and catalogued of all Donald Trump's treasonous crimes so that once these four years are up and he becomes a regular US citizen again, they can re-indict his traitorous ass and do what should have been done long ago - send him to prison.  Of course, that all assumes the mobbed-up old traitor doesn't turn the US into a Putin-style dictatorship and declare himself El Presidente Generalissimo for life by then.



--- TFG


Disciples of MAGA Jesus: "They Don't Deserve Anything!"


Link: 'They don't deserve anything': GOP senator says CA wildfire victims shouldn't get aid - Raw Story


Let it sink in.

"They don't deserve anything."

Don't look away.  Don't pretend you cannot see those words or understand their meaning.

"They don't deserve anything."

Dozens of Americans dead.  Thousands of Americans have lost everything they own.  American communities destroyed.  What's the common denominator here aside from fire devastation?  If you said America and Americans, pat yourself on the head.

This death and destruction occurred in American cities, American towns, American communities and has adversely impacted the lives of thousands of American citizens.  Trumpublicans have already been threatening to deny disaster aid to California, an American state which it should be noted, subsidizes most of the dirt poor, shoddily governed, and dependent red states where Trumpublicans are in charge.

And true to form, here comes the latest MAGA Republican to open their filthy, Satan-inspired piehole to purposely shit on these suffering Americans in their hour of need.

"They don't deserve anything."

Not only is Alabama MAGA Senator Tommy Tuberville one of many Putin harem whores embedded in the Republican party, he is also a traitor and a fraudster.  This mealymouthed, duplicitous piece of shit vocally supported the January 6th domestic terrorists.  He ran for Alabama Senator when he hadn't lived in the state for 20 years.  Sadly, the excruciatingly dumbed down Republican voters of Alabama decided it wasn't an issue and elected the slimy, deceitful little prick anyway.

And now Tommy Tupperware is out there, like all of Drumpf's other little goose-stepping, MAGA ankle-biter mutts, vying and competing for the attention and approval of Big Daddy Drumpf and his MAGA Brownshirts like the spineless, yellow dog that he is by publicly denigrating and demonizing the wildfire victims in Los Angeles and blaming the fires on Democrats and liberals.

"They don't deserve anything."

I not only stand by my previous assessment that these MAGA Republicans like Tommy Tupperware are pure evil, I double, triple, and quadruple down on it.  They are clearly evil.  They are hateful human lowlifes.  I have no doubts whatsoever that if Jesus were to rise from the dead today to be witness to how these evil people use his name and his teachings to fuel their own twisted morality and hatred, he would beseech his father to turn them all into pillars of crumbling salt.


Monday, January 13, 2025

Here's a "Condition" For You Mike Johnson: Go F*ck Yourself.

"House Speaker Mike Johnson, who managed to hold onto his job during a close vote last week, says that any federal aid to parts of California ravaged by wildfires should come with "conditions.""

Prior to the ongoing Southern California wildfires, here is a list of the most significant natural disasters to occur during Joe Biden's presidency:

  • March/April 2022.  Tornado outbreaks in Southeast US, Midwest and Mississippi Valley. 16 deaths.  $2.7 billion in damages.
  • July-August 2022.  Flooding in Kentucky and Missouri.  44 deaths.  $1.2 billion in damages.
  • September 2022.  Hurricane Ian hits Florida and Southeast US.  161 deaths.  $112 billion in damages.
  • November 2022.  Hurricane Nicole hits Southeast US.  11 deaths.  More than $1 billion in damages.
  • December 2022.  Winter storm hits Midwestern US.  106 deaths.  $5.4 billion in damages.
  • March 2023.  Flooding/Tornado outbreak in Southwest and Southeast US.  13 deaths.  $4.5 billion in damages.
  • April 2023.  Tornado outbreak in Southern and Midwest US.  33 deaths.  $4.3 billion in damages.
  • August 2023.  Wildfires in Hawaii.  110 deaths.  $6 billion in damages.
  • August 2023.  Hurricane Idalia hits Florida.  12 deaths.  $4-5 billion in damages.
  • July 2024.  Hurricane Beryl hits Gulf coast of US.  73 deaths.  $8 billion in damages.
  • And most recently:
  • September 2024.  Hurricane Helene hits Southeast US, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Ohio.  200+ deaths.  $120+ billion in damages.
  • October 2024.  Hurricane Milton hits Florida.  35 deaths.  $35 billion in damages.



500 deaths.  Many more injured.  More than $300 billion in damages.  Families and communities devastated.  And NOT ONCE did Joe Biden tell ANY of the victims of ANY of these myriad of deadly disasters that federal aid would be withheld from them unless their states agreed to certain political demands.


And that is the difference between good, decent people and American citizens and morally bankrupt people and morally bankrupt American citizens, and it's clear that many Americans haven't figured that out yet.



--- TFG


The 11th Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Be Fucking Hypocrites


"South Dakota's attorney general has announced support for legislation in Louisiana that would put the Ten Commandments in schools.

Marty Jackley and 17 other attorneys general signed an amicus brief supporting the measure after an appellate court judge struck down the law, The Argus Leader reported. Louisiana became the first state in the U.S. to mandate that the document be posted in all classrooms. However, it does not require the Constitution or Bill of Rights to be posted in classrooms


I find it morbidly amusing that the people who are attempting to force their biblical moral values on ALL of us with crap like this, are the very same people whose 'moral values' judgment guided them to support and vote for a convicted felon, court-adjudicated rapist, serial adulterer, racist, pathological liar, and traitor who employed deadly violence in an attempt to overthrow our constitution and our democracy.

--- TFG

The MAGA Culture of Hate Never Rests - More So During Trying Times



Why right-wing influencers are blaming the California wildfires on diversity efforts


Why? Why is this happening?  Seriously??

Why are Drumpf and his MAGA flying monkey brigades politicizing a horrific tragedy like the Los Angeles wildfires and using the catastrophic event as a wedge to further inflame and divide Americans?

It's because they are evil fucking people.  You heard right.  EvilFuckingPeople.  And this is what they do.  They lie and peddle hate to stir anger towards their perceived political enemies.

To my MAGA friends and family, do yourselves a favor, one which you will be eternally thankful for later on down the road - extricate yourselves from this vile, hateful movement while you can.  And while you are ruminating and debating the pros and cons about whether or not to separate yourselves from your psychological abuse captors, just know that the political agenda Drumpf and his MAGA/Project 2025 henchmen have planned for you, your loved ones, your states, your cities, your communities is as equally, if not more more cruel and callous than their views toward the suffering of your fellow Americans in Los Angeles right now.

If that is the future America that you wish for yourselves, for your children, for your grandchildren, for your country, I feel ashamed of and sorry for you all.

--- TFG