Monday, January 8, 2018

The Inherent Danger in the Fanaticism and Desperation of Cornered Rats . . .

Over the holidays I was at a family member's home and watching a CNN special about a trio of journalists who went to North Korea and for two weeks were allowed to go (with some measure of surveillance of course) among the North Korean people and ask them questions about their lives, their country and their dear leader.  Here's an online excerpt:

We go down another, windy, road, and reach a site North Koreans consider sacred: the cabin where North Korea says Gen. Kim Jong Il was born. Our guide tells us the story of Kim’s supposedly mystical birth.

It was really cold and the weather was not normal. But somehow on that day the strong wind stopped all of a sudden, the sun began shining through. Everything was bright and a quiet calm took over. The flowers bloomed and in the sky was a particularly bright star,” our guide tells us.

“Is that a legend or did it actually happen?” I ask.

She insists it actually happened.

It was pretty fascinating.  It was also a frightening parallel window in to the Trump fanatic's world view because a lot of the behaviors and the level of credulity and demonically possessed devotion that the North Koreans exhibit towards their dear leader Kim Jong Un and his father Kim Jong Il, is comparably mirrored by that of many of the most hard core of Trump's supporters.

And with the release this past week of Michael Wolff's incredible, hair-raising book "Fire and Fury" documenting his time wandering around the Trump White House for several months after that traveling freak show that we have come to know as the Trump administration took up residence, we clearly see now the reality that most sane people already knew, and that others are slowly coming to see the horror of, namely that this country has a bunch of self-interested, Peter Principle political hyenas and psychotic sycophants running our government.

Just take a look at this clip of CNN's Jake Tapper interviewing Trump's current favorite spokestoad Stephen Miller yesterday.  It is a jaw dropping demonstration of the sort of delusional mind fuckery and intellectual flatulence of which only the North Korean people themselves could truly appreciate:

Tapper, vainly attempting to speak calmly over the manic screeching of Miller, finally had to tell him in politically correct terms, that he was full of the proverbial bull's shit and wasn't going to subject CNN's viewers to it.  Tapper then nonchalantly directs the camera off of Miller in mid-screech, and cuts off his microphone.  ** [Note to other network and cable tv news outlets -- this is the absolutely correct way to deal with these lying weasels - as soon as they start in with the bullshit lying, tell them to their faces that they are full of shit and cut their microphones off.]

Anyhow, follow up reporting from today says that after Tapper cut to a commercial, he requested Miller please leave the studio.  Miller, still ranting and screeching about the greatness of his dear leader Drumpf, refused to do so and security people were summarily called and they physically escorted his propaganda spewing ass off of the premises.

Now dear readers --- please explain to The Gadfly how Stephen Miller's behavior in that clip is any different than that of the North Korean tour guide exclaiming Kim Jong Il's celestial eminence and swearing by all that is known of it's veracity?

And that is why these Trump people scare the living shit out of The Gadfly -- much more so than a ragtag bunch of religious loons riding around in pick up trucks and living in caves in Pakistan.  It's because these asshats are already here within our borders - in large numbers - with many of them heavily armed -- and just as many willing to justify and defend their mindless hero worship of their dear leader through subterfuge of our civic institutions and constitutional laws, and in some cases, even with violence.

It is classic nationalism and fascism any way you look at it and should it come down to it, The Gadfly will unrepentantly tell all of you that he is not averse to seeing yet another historical outcome for it in the vein that Mussolini and Hitler experienced calamitous denouements to their own attempts at spreading such a cancerous ideology.  This disease simply must not be allowed to spread, and with the pincers of Robert Mueller's probe closing in, all bets are off as to how these very awful human beings are going to react.

Fanatics can justify practically any atrocity to themselves. The more untenable their position becomes, the harder they hold to it, and the worse the things they are willing to do to support it.” 

Mercedes Lackey, Changes


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