Friday, September 29, 2017

Where Do We Go From Here? . . . Hard To Say -- But Likely No Good Place....

It's no fun for The Gadfly to be constantly pointing this shit out to people.  And it's getting pretty goddamn tiring to be truthful after all this time . . . but fucking somebody's got to do it . . . . sigh . . . .

Here's one of those "real Americans" that Trump is "inspiring" . . .

A firefighter in Earle, Ark. has been relieved of duty after a controversial Facebook post in which he suggests NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem "should be shot in the head."
According to WMCA Action News 5 the firefighter, who hasn't been named, suggested that Donald Trump—who's been outspoken in his disdain for players participating in protests—"post snipers at every game."
"U want my honest opinion about these worthless piece of crap proffessional (SIC) football basketball and baseball wannabe player I think trump should post snipers at every game and each player that take a knee or sits in the lockerroom (SIC) should b shot in the head ," he wrote in the post, which could not be found by the Daily News.
"I have no sympathy for them and no respect and as for the rest of u Obama lovin snowflakes out here protesting and makin idiots out of urselves u should be shot on sight if you disagree with me then dont let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya."

Hey wait!? ... The Gadfly thought that these right wing yahoos were against the federal government infringing upon American's rights?  As such, that's a hell of a lot of rank irony dripping all over the place when you hear one of them calling on the leader of the federal government to deploy snipers to kill American citizens exercising their constitutional rights.

And no doubt, with his scornful reference to the "good lord," this fellow views himself, and likely is viewed by his peers, as a fine, upstanding Christian in his community.  Although The Gadfly has to say -- for the life of his self, he just can't seem to pinpoint that place in the Bible where Jesus talked about sniping a bullet in to someone's brain if their opinions are different from yours . . . nope, The Gadfly searched all over for that passage . . . just-could-not-find-it.

Now obviously not all conservative Christians think in the same manner as this would-be murderer, but The Gadfly would wager a good amount of his hard earned pay that most conservative Christians, who do think like this loser, are almost certainly unabashed Trump supporters.

The thing is -- guys like this hateful jackass do indeed comprise the deplorable core of Trump's most zealous and dedicated followers - and truth be told? --- they are his, and by proxy, the GOP's unshakable base right now (that's a hint to those Republicans who know it's true).  They are the modern-day conservative movement.

They were happy about the young woman protester getting run over and killed by one of their like-minded thinkers in Charlottesville and they would be just as content should a gun fondling wing nut like this Arkansas asshole followed through with his NRA-nursed wet dream of exercising his 2nd amendment right to put a bullet in the head of some "Obama snowflake" or pretty much the head of just about anyone who has the temerity to disagree with him politically.

Perhaps the larger point The Gadfly is trying to make here is that this is the ideology that wants control of the political and economic power structure in this country.  But if The Gadfly has any part to play in it -- they will never see it.  The conspiracy-greased mindset of their ideology is entrenched in virulent selfism.  They wallow in (oft-times manufactured) rage and hate.  There is an unsettling measure of cruelty, xenophobia, and deep seated bigotry in the enraged souls of many of them - something that The Gadfly has seen up close.  In the eyes of many of  their ideology's adherents, violence, wrapped in religion and faux patriotism, is a means to just about any end that facilitates their continued existence as a national movement.  They are quite comfortable with their way of thinking, and it is thinking that is not at all unlike that of SniperBoy there in Earle, Arkansas.  And in the minds of of all of them - Donald Trump is the swashbuckling hero of and spokesman for their ideology.

So - to summarize this sermon as bluntly as possible -- The Gadfly quite simply does not want these violence-prone assholes, with hard-ons for authoritarianism and a sweet tooth for manly Russian dictators, governing over him, or his family - ever - period.  Perhaps The Gadfly, in his long time hobby of studying history and trying to learn from it, has watched too many 1930's & 1940's newsreels of what was going on in the world just prior to the Nazis rise to power in pre WW2 Germany.  Believe it or not, seventy some years later, there were and still are lessons to be learned from that history.  It is a history that people who care about democracy's future ought to become more familiar with as this nation moves forward in this very serious ideological battle for our nation's and our people's destiny, and our society's heart and soul - it's humanity.  And that's why The Gadfly continues to talk about this shit.


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