Saturday, August 3, 2013

It's The Fucking Law Republicans. Get The Fuck Over It . . . .

40 GOP engineered votes to repeal the ACA.  40 failures.  How many votes to create jobs?  0. How many votes to roll back the devastating sequester cuts?  0.  How many votes to . . . fuck it . . . you get the point.

The campaign against Obamacare began as a campaign for self-interest. Obamacare, conservatives promised, would raise your taxes, take away your doctor and possibly put you in front of a death panel. The fight to keep it from passing was a fight to keep bad things from happening.
But the effort has devolved into something much weirder: A campaign of self-sacrifice. The current crop of Republican strategies ask conservative congressmen to hurt their constituents and their political prospects, conservative governors to hurt their states, and conservative activists to hurt themselves. It’s a kamikaze mission to stop Obamacare.

Here's The Gadfly's educated prediction on the ACA - derisively known as "Obamacare."  Seven or eight years down the road (maybe more since the conservanuts will fight tooth and nail to destroy it) the ACA, after it's groundbreaking provisions kick in and after the kinks are worked out of the infrastructure, will become an everyday, ho-hum part of American life - no different from Medicare or Social Security (which were also hated and opposed by conservatives) and no more nefarious than either of those beloved programs.  And once the CBO predicted savings to the country are realized in actual dollars (which obviously might take a few years as the program takes root and expands), a lot of people will be slapping their cro-magnon foreheads and saying to themselves - "DUH - why didn't we do this shit earlier?"

The Gadfly will gladly eat his words and issue a tearful mea culpa post begging for his reputation and life to be spared should this scenario not play out as outlined above.  But The Gadfly does not anticipate that day coming to pass as The Gadfly is not in the habit of hitching his caboose to old, slow, coal powered locomotives -- nope -- The Gadfly hooks up with bullet trains.  And while the ACA is woeful in many respects and could have been a much more robust law, it is a logical, smart step in the right direction towards an eventual national health care system that is free to all Americans -- just like the rest of the civilized, western world has.

And that is pretty much all The Gadfly has to say on that matter . . . . . oh - besides the obligatory Fuck U to the conservatives and the Teahadists who are nothing more than petulant, ignorant obstructionists to progress and to a more prosperous America.



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