Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's over. Thank Gawd It's over.

Quite frankly The Gadfly is just too goddamn tired right now to do any form of celebrating for what was obviously a big win for us dirty fucking hippies Tuesday night.

The Gadfly will say this though - it is true that The Republicans, fielded just about the shittiest candidate they could dredge up - a vulture capitalist bazillionaire who hides his tax money in off-shore tax havens, views half the country as moochers, and who just simply couldn't be honest with the American people on any position at all.  Those sad facts in and of themself however, should not have resulted in the smack down the American people delivered to Willard and the GOP in this election.

The Gadfly has two words for you - no, no - make that three words for you.

The first word - policies.  Willard simply refused to be consistent and truthful as to where he stood on just about every single important policy question that affects every day American's lives. His constant changing of positions and inability or just plain refusal to provide any specifics whatsoever about his economic policies left many people pointedly distrusting of the man. How do you expect people to vote for you when your economic policy is nothing more than telling voters "trust me - elect me first and then maybe I will tell you about my policy positions?"

The other two words.  Tea Party.  The Gadfly long ago predicted the Tea Bagger's would overreach and show the whole world what they are truly all about.  They were not a new grassroots entity when they appeared on the national scene in 2008 (coincidentally right after Obama's inauguration).  They are the same old lunatic, John Bircher, racially spiteful nutbags who have always been on the periphery of GOP politics.  And when that dirty negro, Kenyan, communist, socialist, pinko liberal, terrorist appeasing hippie lover was elected, they came crawling out from under their slimy rocks in droves, pretty much took over the GOP and showed their ugly, hateful, racist, insane faces for all of America and the rest of the world to see.  And thankfully most Americans have been abhorred by these people, their boorish public behavior and their petty, selfish and repugnant brand of politics.

That is how a President presiding over one of the worst economic downturns since the Great Depression, a steady unemployment rate hovering around 8%, and facing the enmity and deep moneyed pockets of some very wealthy and politically powerful cocksuckers gets re-elected in a near landslide.

The Teapublicans, not unlike Barney Fife, quite simply observed, haphazardly shoved their single bullet pistol into their waistband and shot their own stupid fucking foot off -- and you know what?  America is better off for it.

That is all The Gadfly has to say on this matter for the time being.  It should be highly interesting in the coming days watching how the GOP deals with their pigheaded, vulgar spawn the Teabaggers.  The Gadfly isn't so certain that the old school establishment Republican guys have the guts to fight them - as they know it will be  one helluva bloody internecine battle.  But they also see the obvious demographic writing on the wall and know that the Teabaggers are a very cumbersome liability to their hopes of remaining a viable national political party in the long term.

Nonetheless - pass the popcorn kids and let's settle in for what is sure to be a good show.


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