Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Careful for what you wish for Teahadists . . .

Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi writes:

"But for the new GOP, compromise of any kind defeats their central purpose, which is political totale krieg. This party's entire reason for being is conflict and aggression. There is no underlying patriotic instinct to find middle ground with the rest of us, because the party doesn't have a vision for society that includes anyone outside the tent.

I've always been queasy about piling on against the Republicans because it's intellectually too easy; I also worry a lot that the habit pundits have of choosing sides and simply beating on the other party contributes to the extremist tone of the culture war.

But the time is coming when we are all going to be forced to literally take sides in a political conflict far more serious and extreme than we're used to imagining. The situation is such a tinderbox now that all it will take is some prominent politician to openly acknowledge the fact of a cultural/civil war for the real craziness to begin."

Taibbi is a bit late to the Right-wing cult watch game, but at least he did finally show up. I've been talking about this shit for years - just ask some of my conservative pals who most have disowned me as a result. They will confirm for you that I was using the words "GOP" and "cult" in the same sentence with earnest frequency more than 5 years ago.

Nonetheless, Taibbi makes a critical point here which I have underlined in his excerpt. The point is -- unfortunately it looks like the right wing is really going to force Americans to take sides in what I fear is not only going to be the verbal jousting of political conflict, but conflict of the physical kind which is the hallmark of a true civil war.

It is almost unfathomable to think it, but this current crop of teahadists truly are sufficiently fucking insane to fire the first literal shots just to start civil discord. I fervently hope it never comes to that, but if it does, I would sincerely advise the right wingers to exercise some measure of control over their testosterone fueled fantasies and contemplate carefully the consequences of the fight they are itching to pick - for whether they recognize it or not, there are plenty of signs that they very well may not only have underestimated the size of their "army," but also the fortitude of it's bravado and the depth of it's support.


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