Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Over Many Dead Resister Bodies Will the US Ever be "Trump's America"

If the kind of America that MAGA voters envision is one where the ruling party and it's adherents coordinate efforts to spy on and persecute people in this country whose skin color is "brown" then yes, that kind of America deserves to fail and it deserves to fail fucking spectacularly.

The Drumpf/MAGA vision for America is an un-American vision, and the quicker it is exposed to the public and rightfully demonized, the sooner it and it's promoters can be hounded back into the slimy depths of hell from which they crawled.

Link: https://www.salon.com/2024/12/30/this-is-trumps-america-now-maga-diehards-jumpstart-a-new-year-of-political-violence/

Ah yes, do exactly that which the Prince of Peace, Jesus would do at your place of faith worship - report your fellow parishioners with brown skin to the local Nazi party authorities. I mean, that is something that MAGA Jesus himself would do, right?

Take a long hard look at this article Trump voters.  This is what you voted for.  You voted for your MAGA brethren to announce their intentions for vigilantism if Drumpf's immigrant round-up plans fail to proceed at a pace that they personally are pleased with.  And let's be clear about something - when these violence as a means to an end people start killing other humans, that blood will stain the hands of Donald Trump's voters just as much as it stains the hands of the killers themselves.

Make no mistakes about that.



--- TFG


Saturday, December 28, 2024

ARREST THEM!! - The Battle Cry of the Drumpf Administration Part Deux

You know, for people who CLAIM to despise the politicization of justice and the "weaponization of government," Drumpf and the toadies of his MAGA putsch sure are eager to use the power of that same federal government to imprison their political allies:


Link: MAGA aide Stephen Miller's law group threatens California officials with prison - Raw Story


They have threatened to imprison members of the press.

They have threatened to prosecute and imprison the heads of companies that don't fall in line and endorse Drumpf's policies.

They are threatening to perform SWAT-like raids on public schools, businesses, homes, and churches in their zeal to hunt down, round up and deport this country's lettuce pickers, nannies, janitors, construction workers, restaurant workers, etc.

And now, the man, if he can be called that, whose employer is a convicted felon awaiting sentencing and still under indictment in three other cases, is threatening to imprison the duly elected officials of a state and party that he and his boss dislike because they are saying they will refuse to abide by the immoral and unconstitutional orders of a government agency led by immoral, and in many cases felonious individuals.

Isn't that rich?

I mean, c'mon, these goose-stepping fuckers like Stephen Miller are saying it OUT LOUD that is what they are going to use their powers for come January 20, 2025 when Lord Shitzinpants takes over.  They will be falling all over themselves in a rush to enact Drumpf's vengeance-fueled, anti-immigrant agenda.

You have heard of the "Third Reich?"  Well, get ready for the 'Turd Reich.'

--- TFG

Friday, December 27, 2024

'Took a Look Around Me, Which Way da Wind Blow...'

Here's another 60's/70's rock group that The Gadfly weaned himself on as a young music discovering lad.

Admittedly 'The Doors' are an acquired taste, but when you fully understand the story of lead singer Jim Morrison's struggle with wanting to be an quiet, retiring poet vs. a famous rock star, so much of Morrison's moody performances make much more sense, and the music takes on a personal touch that brings you in to Morrison's jaded, oft-times hedonistic, and almost always disappointed artist mindset.

It fueled some pretty cool material in 'The Doors' short career.  My favorite tune has to be "L.A. Woman."  Based on my own experience of migrating from the Midwest as a young man and cultural greenhorn, landing on the streets of Hollywood, California with just a few hundred bucks in my pocket and an attitude full of fearless piss and vinegar and my whole life ahead of me, I honestly cannot begin to explain how the lyrics of that song relate to those experiences of mine during that extremely interesting and at times harrowing time of my life.

These lyrics bring back so many memories:

๐ŸŽถ I see your hair is burnin'
Hills are filled with fire
If they say I never loved you
You know they are a liar
Drivin' down your freeways
Midnight alleys roam
Cops in cars, the topless bars
Never saw a woman
So alone, so alone
So alone, so alone

Motel money murder madness
Let's change the mood from glad to sadness...


Anyway, go ahead, kick back with some good headphones, close your eyes, and listen to Mr. Mojo Risin' do his thing:





 --- TFG



Purplish and Deep . . .

Since it is Friday and for myself a three-day weekend before the upcoming new year holiday, let's play a few of The Gadfly's favorite 70's tunes shall we?

I can remember the very first time I heard Deep Purple's opening track on their 'Machine Head' album.  Listening to it being played on an LP record on a decent turntable connected to a good sound system for that era (1971-72), I was only nine years old at the time.  When that intro to 'Highway Star' started playing with it's frenetic, progressive, opening guitar tempo segueing into lead singer Ian Gillan's guttural shriek, it blew my little kid mind.  And the Ritchie Blackmore guitar solo in that lick is nothing short of mind-bending.  That was the beginning of my life-long love affair with classic hard rock.

And that ending:

๐ŸŽถ Nobody gonna take my carI'm gonna race it to the groundNobody gonna beat my carIt's gonna break the speed of soundOoh, it's a killing machineIt's got everythingLike a driving power Big fat tires and everything
I love it and I need it, I bleed itYeah, it's a mad hurricaneAlright, hold on tightI'm a highway starI'm a highway starI'm a highway star......... ๐ŸŽถ

It doesn't get any more mesmerizing to a nine-year old than that.

The rest of that album is just as bad ass as well with great singles like "Space Truckin,'" "Lazy," "Pictures from Home," and of course the iconic, "Smoke on the Water."

Therefore, since the whole damn album is killer -- here it is.  Please enjoy:

--- TFG

The Ties That Bind Aren't Indestructible


Link: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/dec/23/family-politics-holiday


One of the things I have long meant to write about has been the effect that DonOld Drumpf's political popularity and presence in our public lives has had on my own personal and familial relationships.  I have not really discussed this at all for the simple fact that I have been, and still am to some degree, unsure of how exactly to succinctly describe, much less deal with the sorrowful and jarring disappointment that comes with finding out that people who you have known for decades, or even for your entire life, aren't the people you have come to believe them to be.  There is no delicate way of approaching such heart deadening disappointment.

And believe me, I truly would be very open to having a candid conversation with any of my Drumpf supporting MAGA friends and family about this subject, however that offer would be predicated upon the following fundamental set of established and documented facts and truths being agreed upon by all involved in that conversation ahead of time:

  1. Donald Trump was born in to fabulous wealth.
  2. Donald Trump has never worked a day of authentic manual labor in his entire life.
  3. Donald Trump wrecked every business venture he ever launched and bankrupted most of them, even multiple casinos.
  4. Donald Trump blew a $400 million inheritance on cocaine, hookers, and living the celebrity jet-setting lifestyle of the rich & famous.
  5. Donald Trump is a serial adulterer.  His first wife was an American and he cheated on her.  He has had two immigrant wives subsequently and cheated on both of them.
  6. Donald Trump has been credibly accused by over 25 women of sexual assault and rape by one.
  7. Donald Trump was caught on tape bragging that he could grab women by their vaginas and get away with it because he was a celebrity "star."
  8. Donald Trump had a decade-long, close personal relationship with a known pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein.
  9. Donald Trump turned to foreign sources of cash when American financial institutes and banks ceased doing business with him in the 80's and 90's due to his massive risk rating.
  10. Donald Trump is banned from doing business in the state of New York.
  11. Donald Trump's family is restricted from being involved in charities in the state of New York.
  12. Donald Trump was fined $25 million when a DOJ judgment found he had been operating a scam "University" pyramid scheme.
  13. Donald Trump's 2016 campaign team had six senior members of that team who ended up being convicted felons.
  14. Donald Trump LOST the 2016 popular vote to Hillary Clinton by nearly three million votes.
  15. Donald Trump publicly asked for electoral assistance from the leaders of both Russia in 2016 and China in 2020.
  16. Donald Trump was impeached the first time for public corruption due to his attempt to extort the Ukraine government into manufacturing criminal dirt on the Biden family and announce it publicly in exchange for then POTUS Trump releasing military aid to Ukraine.
  17. Donald Trump presided over the most significant mass-death event in US history, the Covid-19 pandemic, and his incompetence and negligence resulted in hundreds of thousands more deaths than would have occurred had a more able leader been in office.
  18. Donald Trump LOST the 2020 election by seven million more votes to Joseph R. Biden, and to date not one iota of verifiable fraud in the 2020 election has been proven in so much as one single US courtroom.
  19. Donald Trump challenged the outcome of the 2020 election more than 70 times in state and federal courts across this country all the way to the US Supreme court and he lost EVERY SINGLE CASE.
  20. Donald Trump was not happy with his failed legal challenges to the 2020 election results and so he then conspired with enablers and MAGA Republicans to overturn the results of the 2020 election and when that effort failed, he incited a violent mob of MAGA supporters to attack the US Capitol building and halt the certification of Joe Biden's election win, and that attack resulted in the deaths of several civilians and law enforcement officers and injuries to hundreds more.
  21. Donald Trump was impeached a second time in 2021 for inciting that seditious riot.
  22. Donald Trump is a multiple deferments Vietnam war draft dodger who has made several derogatory statements about US military veterans and used the grave of a soldier interred at Arlington cemetery for a crass photo op.
  23. Donald Trump has been criminally indicted four times by grand juries.
  24. Donald Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies by a jury.
  25. Donald Trump was found guilty of defamation twice by court juries and was hand multi-million dollar judgments.
  26. Donald Trump was found to have "technically" raped the woman who he defamed in those two cases.
  27. Donald Trump was aided in the 2024 election by Russian interference (again), and by the nearly $300 million dumped into his campaign by a carpet-bagging, South African billionaire and world's wealthiest individual.

Those are the basics.  The list could have been much longer.

But simply put, if those basic, documented truths cannot be acknowledged by all parties involved in that conversation, then there is no point in the conversation proceeding and therein lies my dilemma when approaching the subject of how Drumpf's political ascension has affected personal relationships.  For you see, I learned long, long ago that to debate and argue with people who have no concept of reality, and who willfully ignore it is akin to administering medicine to the dead (an old Thomas Paine analogy).  And that is where that situation sits.


Paying Americans an Ethical Wage is Hard Work For a Gazillionaire

And there you have it.

The wealthiest individual on this entire planet bitching and moaning about having to pay a fair wage to American-born workers. Elmo apparently would prefer to bring in "mediocre" foreign talent and pay them substantially less than a fully qualified American worker.

But, as has been previously noted on the pages of this shitty little blog, this is what you Drumpf groupies voted for.  You voted to fuck yourselves over and allow Drumpf to install people in positions of power in our government who truly could not give less of a fuck about the economic situations of the average American middle class workers.

It's going to be interesting, if not entertaining watching as Ma and Pa MAGA come to the slow burn realization of just how hard they got punk'd by Drumpf and Elmo.  Perhaps it will finally dawn on them that their economic hardship IS NOT due to Mexican migrants coming into the country to work all the shitty, back-breaking, low-paying, no benefits jobs that native-born Americans typically don't want to do, but to the morally bankrupt, nihilist billionaires like Elmo who are hoarding all of the cash and deliberately making our society poorer economically and socially.



Elmo talks about American workers as if we are just disposable commodities.  In this fucker's world view, you and I are nothing more than purchasable merchandise that guys like him can manipulate to their own economic benefit and discard like trash when that benefit ceases making them money.

Good luck with Elmo and Vivek's DOGE ratfucking, MAGAts.  You all are going to need it these next four years.


--- TFG

In The End . . .

The end of the year of our lord 2024 and the beginning of year 2025 is upon us and in 25 days full political and military control of the United States of America will be in the hands of a prolific sexual offender and rapist, a convicted felon, a colossally failed "businessman," a pathological liar and narcissistic sociopath, and a fucking traitor to this nation, it's constitution, and it's democracy who has promised to rule over Americans as "a dictator."

This literally is . . .

--- TFG

Don't Dupe Us Bro! . . .

Hahahahahaha!!  "Duped?"

You just knew this was coming.

Ma and Pa MAGA are slowly coming to the realization that Drumpf sold them all out to the fat-cat emerald mine heir from South Africa and his Indian anchor baby sidekick, and they and their economic livelihoods are just as much in the slash and burn crosshairs as are those of us 'woke' libtards.  Lol.

We tried to warn you Drumpf voters of the shitshow to come if you put that convicted felon, rapist and con man back in the White House and permit him to bring his cabal of grifting ratfuckers with him.

But you all didn't listen because you didn't care, and now your MAGA chickens are coming home to roost and frankly I am at the point where I just don't give a shit any more about how much suffering is coming, mostly because I take great comfort in knowing that Ma and Pa MAGA will be also be privileged recipients of that pain.

Link: 'Has MAGA been duped?' Trump fans freak out over new plan from unelected 'DOGE twins' - Raw Story

Ol' Ben Franklin must have known some MAGA-minded folks in his time.

--- TFG

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Please Don't Eat My Face Mr. Leopard! Eat The Faces of Those Other Guys!

It's just so darn cute that Ma and Pa MAGA Drumpf voters are so nonchalantly confident that their Orange Savior is going to save them from Elmo and Vivek's economic sheep shearing shed and lamb slaughterhouse.

When reality hits them like a sledge-hammer, that cuteness is sure to turn to a kind of ugliness that will be something to witness for the ages.

Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/12/26/trump-voters-federal-benefits-food/

--- TFG

The Orange Leopard Lurking in the Shadows, Ready to Eat MAGA Faces

Ma and Pa MAGA are the proverbial sheep being led to the shearing shed, and from there, on to the slaughterhouse.

They actually believed Drumpf's lies that he cared about them and all of their worldly fears and concerns, and that he would govern with their best interests in mind and "protect" them.


It's going to be so damn entertaining watching these red hat fools fall out among themselves after Drumpf's radical extremist, jihadst policies fuck up their lives, economic and otherwise, as much if not more than the lives of Harris voters.



--- TFG


Have a Merry Christmas and then "GO TO HELL!"

Drumpf's Christmas Day message to the American people.  Read it and weep.

This country will not last another four full years of this fucking idiot and his degenerate, fellow rapist henchmen steering the American ship of democracy straight into the jagged rocks of catastrophe.

Just remember this.  Every bad thing that happens in and to this country after January 20, 2025 will be the fault of DonOld Drumpf and MAGA voters.

Every. Damn. Thing.

Link:  *No link to Drumpf's deranged screed.  I will not link to that orange piece of shit's garbage social media platform, but this mentally defective outburst is out there on his 'Truth Social' site for the whole world to see, and so if anyone wishes to verify it's authenticity, feel free to go look it up yourselves.


In a single, Christmas day post, this crazy fuck is proposing stealing the Panama Canal by force from the country of Panama, making the country of Canada the 51st US state, buying the island nation of Greenland from Denmark, and telling Americans whom he doesn't like to "GO TO HELL."

This lunatic is your creation MAGA voters.  All that he does and says is a direct reflection of the dearth of decency and honor in all of you.



--- TFG 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

The Age of MAGA is the Age of Scum

If you are one of these Americans who IS NOT horrified that Donald J. Trump attempted to install this sleazy individual as the Attorney General of the United States of America, the highest law enforcement and legal position in this country, then it goes without saying that YOU are part and parcel of the worst things that are wrong with this country.  Looking at you specifically, Ma and Pa MAGA.


Link: House Ethics report accuses Matt Gaetz of paying for sex with teen girl - The Washington Post

Let's review for clarification purposes.  Donald Drumpf attempted to appoint a child rapist and prolific consumer of prostitution services to the highest law enforcement position in the United States of America.

If you don't see the problem with that and you are not aghast about it, perhaps it's time for you to seriously reevaluate the choice of moral values and political loyalties that you have made in your life.

--- TFG

Monday, December 23, 2024

'Prostitution, statutory rape, illicit drug use': Trumpism Explained

This is the disgusting piece of inhuman shit who Drumpf attempted to install as the highest law enforcement official in the entire country:

A copy of the House Ethics Committee's report into former Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) obtained by CBS News alleges that the Florida Republican engaged in a number of illegal activities.

The 37-page report, which is due to be released on Monday, writes that "there is substantial evidence that Representative Gaetz violated House Rules and other standards of conduct prohibiting prostitution, statutory rape, illicit drug use, impermissible gifts, special favors or privileges, and obstruction of Congress."

The report relies on a combination of witness testimony, text message exchanges, and Venmo receipts to make the case that Gaetz repeatedly violated the law while serving as a Florida congressman.

Among the damning findings in the report are that Gaetz paid multiple women for sex in the past, including a girl who at the time was only 17 years old. 


Link: https://www.rawstory.com/matt-gaetz-house-ethics-report-2670663698/


---> Prostitution. โœ…

---> Rape. โœ…

---> Drugs. โœ…

---> Obstruction of justice. โœ…

---> Public Corruption. โœ…

Those are the activities (aka crimes) that MAGApublican Matt Gaetz was involved in WHILE serving as a Republican Congressman from the great state of Floriduh!  And Drumpf in his infinite wisdom decided that those were the perfect personal character attributes and job qualifications for Gaetz to be selected as DonOld's Attorney General.

Go figure, right?

This is your doing Trump voters.  This is your fucking mess.  Dummies.

--- TFG

The GOP Death Cult Is Primed to Kill Again

Apparently Trumpublicans aren't content with their nihilistic politics having made a significant contribution to the 1.2 million American lives lost during the Covid pandemic.

They are now openly and deliberately using their governing powers to force their uneducated, unscientific, quack, superstitious, conspiratorial, buggaboo world views over the people they represent in the halls of government, their very own voting constituents.  In doing so they are purposely endangering the lives of those constituents.

This age of MAGA stupidity and Drumpfian horror that we are living in clearly has not finished with causing the unnecessary deaths of large numbers of Americans just yet.

Link: https://www.npr.org/sections/shots-health-news/2024/12/20/nx-s1-5223440/louisiana-ban-public-health-promoting-covid-flu-mpox-vaccines-landry-rfk-jr-anti-vaccine

"According to the employees, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they fear losing their jobs or other forms of retaliation, the policy would be implemented quietly and would not be put in writing.

Staffers were also told that it applies to every aspect of the health department's work: Employees could not send out press releases, give interviews, hold vaccine events, give presentations or create social media posts encouraging the public to get the vaccines. They also could not put up signs at the department's clinics that COVID, flu or mpox vaccines were available on site.

The new policy in Louisiana was implemented as some politicians have promoted false information about vaccines and as President-elect Donald Trump seeks to have anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr lead the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services."

People whose job it is to safeguard public health were threatened by their Trumpublican political bosses to NOT safeguard the public health of their constituents.

Think about that.

This is where Donald Trump and his toxic movement has brought this nation.  What a damned shame.


Friday, December 20, 2024

The One and Only True King and His Loyal Subject

 This is exactly what Drumpf's voters asked for.  And now they're getting it.

Meet your new South African overlord Ma and Pa MAGA.  Best get used to it.


Thursday, December 19, 2024

Why Do The Good Guys Need Pardoning??

This is the crazy, ass-backward state of affairs where MAGA voters have brought the world's most powerful nation and premier democracy.

We are at a point as country and a people where an outgoing, popularly elected POTUS finds himself facing the prospect of having to issue wholly unnecessary, preemptive presidential pardons to Democratic AND Republican lawmakers who dared to investigate the crimes of Donald J. Trump and hold him accountable.

These pardons are not being considered by President Biden because any of the individuals who might be the recipient of one have committed any crimes or wrongdoing.  No, this is happening because a crooked, traitorous, vengeance-obsessed thug convinced a bunch of willfully ignorant, morally destitute Americans that he cared about them and as their savior and champion would fix all of their worldly problems.

Essentially, Drumpf wants to abuse his newly anointed SCOTUS immunity and presidential powers and use the DOJ as his own personal vengeance agency to seek out, in the words of his own toadies, "retribution" for those who dared to see him face the same justice that any other American would have to face for having committed the very same crimes DonOld committed.


   Link: Biden reportedly considering preemptive pardons for Trump critics | Joe Biden | The Guardian

This is the sad reality and embarrassing dumbassery that the very lousiest of our citizens have forced upon us all.





The Dark Clouds of MAGA/DOGE Are Rolling In

Now that President-elect Elon Musk has cemented his role within the Drumpf administration part deux, it might be a good time for Ma and Pa MAGA to seriously reevaluate the moral values decisions that brought them to a point in their lives where they would support a convicted felon, rapist, crooked "businessman," con artist, and coup-plotting traitor who views their kind as exploitable and expendable trash.


                     Link: Musk Draws First Blood With Spending Bill Bombshell

This is what Ma and Pa MAGA voter voted for.  Apparently they were so upset about the cost of eggs and gas, or some other such stupid shit, that they opted to give complete power over their lives to a carpet-bagging, South African, megalomaniac, immigrant billionaire who could not give less of a fuck about their welfare and views them as nothing but useful idiot steppingstones to more wealth and power for himself.

Helluva fucking job Drumpf voters.  You went and blew yourselves up and made us all economic slaves to some truly evil people.  And now it is nearly time for you, for all of us, to reap the whirlwind which you MAGA chowderheads have sown.





Wednesday, December 18, 2024

MAGA Voters - No Regerts, Right?

To each and every one of you who voted for Donald Drumpf on November 5th of this year: This - Is - Exactly - What - You - Voted - For.

When you folks cast your ballots for Donald Trump on November 5th you all, each and every on of you, consciously approved of giving the wealthiest individual on this planet and newly hired economic advisory kingpin to a sitting US President, a South African immigrant billionaire who blows up $100 million rockets as a leisure time activity, free reign to threaten Republicans in Congress and goad Congress in to shutting down the US government through the new year and into late January and essentially forcing millions of US workers and US military personnel to go without pay until King Donald and Viceroy Elmo have control of the levers of power on January 20th, and God knows what manner of evil they have planned at that stage.

The degenerate old sonofabitch hasn't even set foot back in the White House yet and he and his cabal of un-American ratfuckers are already setting the stage for chaos and misery directed at the American people.


 Link: https://bsky.app/profile/repdonbeyer.bsky.social/post/3ldmdxo3stk2n



--- TFG




Monday, December 16, 2024

Again With the Conspiracies. Give it a F'kn Break Already MAGA.

Is anyone else as sick of these performative, painfully fucking insufferable MAGA jagoffs as The Gadfly is?  Yeesh!

JfC, they are nauseating, aren't they?  And redundantly dumb too, believing in and peddling the same old tired, kooky, conspiracy idiocies over and over again.

These lunatics actually believe that Covid was a Biden/Fauci engineered pandemic to make Drumpf look bad, wreck his beautiful tariff-ravaged economy, and kill more than 7 million globally and more than a million Americans.  And now, to keep the conspiracy blood pumping in their feeble minds, they think Biden, the evil Wizard of the North, is going engineer yet another viral contagion to kill millions more humans and God knows how many red-state Americans.  ๐Ÿ˜•

Drumpf hasn't even been inaugurated yet and his willfully under-educated groupies are already laying the groundwork to blame their dear leader's coming leadership failures on Biden and other laughably manufactured "enemy" forces.  Why?  Because that is what MAGA does.  They lie and they obfuscate and they blame, and their underdeveloped brains, very much like their morality, is as malleable as 'Silly Putty.'

In 2016 MAGA voters purposely chose NOT to hold Drumpf accountable for his lifetime of criminal, financial, and predatory crimes, and his degenerate personal public behavior.  They heard their orange deity's own voice on tape bragging about how he could randomly sexually assault any woman and get away with it because he is "a star."

In 2020 MAGA voters purposely chose NOT to hold DonOld accountable for his Ukraine criminal acts that got him impeached the first time.  They ignored the ginormous betrayal of his base with his billionaires-friendly tax plan.  And many of them suffered, and died due to his massive failure in competently dealing with the Covid pandemic which resulted in the US having the MOST infections and the MOST deaths of any country on the planet.  Thankfully he lost.

And then in 2024, after the 34 felony convictions, after the other indictments, after the business fraud judgments, after his defamation judgment that got him labeled by a US court as a 'rapist,' after his inciting his fascist flock to commit violence and cause the deaths of several people, and put many law enforcement personnel in the hospital in the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol, MAGA voters STILL decided that Donald Drumpf was their man for POTUS. 

So why on God's green Earth would Ma and Pa MAGA all of a sudden begin to give a serious flying fuck about their dementia-ravaged dear leader's ability to handle the actual job duties of the US Presidency, competently deal with all manner of crises, and see properly to his nation's health and welfare?  Well, that's just it.  They don't care.  They have never cared.  That much is clear enough to those who care to see it.

Here's the deal though.  They won, right?  MAGA.  Drumpf.  They won it all, right?  Ok then.  Let's call that a settled point.  Just remember this though - every bad thing that happens in this country after January 20th, 2025 will be ALL on Drumpf.  And more importantly, it will also be ALL on the MAGA monkey House and MAGA voters.  This nation and it's survival is ALL theirs to fuck up for ALL of us.

Link: MAGA fans think Biden is going to start another pandemic to sabotage Trump's admin: report - Raw Story

"To hear Donald Trump tell it, his first administration was on a roll and doing well until the 2020 pandemic hit the country and shut down the global economy. Now conspiracy theorists think that President Joe Biden will try to sabotage a new incoming administration by starting another plague or even a civil war."


--- TFG

Sunday, December 15, 2024

'I never thought leopards would eat MY face,' sobs CEOs who voted for the 'Leopards Eating CEOs Faces Candidate.'

Lol!  What exactly did these CEO's think was going to happen when they pumped millions of their corporate money into the presidential campaign of an individual whose primary motivation for running for POTUS a second time was to keep himself out of federal prison?

Did these CEO's not believe Drumpf's threats to rule as a dictator?  Did they not believe he would appoint his criminal consorts, and frighteningly unqualified apparatchiks to high office and critical agencies?  Did they not understand the intent behind his threats to start tariff wars with not only China, but our closest and most trusted trading partners too?  Do they not comprehend the desire by Drumpf to do to American corporate CEO's that which his mentor Vladimir Putin has done to Russian CEO's?  And can they not see the reality of what a consumer unfriendly, dictator-supporting corporate agenda will do to economically wreck the US economy, an economy that Joe Biden had rescued from Drumpf's previous ratfuckery and was nurturing back to health?

If there is any wonder where these CEO's and their loyalty will align themselves when the day arrives and Drumpf, hell-bent on revenge, begins his terror campaign of anti-constitutional orders and unlawful commands to his apparatchiks to begin the process of declaring martial law and clamping down on civil liberties and the defense of 1st amendment rights, there shouldn't be.  Just go Google the history of how big business bent the knee to Hitler and the Nazi party in 1930's Germany.  There's historical precedent for what we are on the cusp of witnessing occur in 21st century America.

And here's another pro-tip - there isn't a planet in our galaxy where these CEO's will be able to hide out and evade eventual accountability for their financially supporting an authoritarian dictator who would try to end the American experiment.

Link: Panicked CEO's left 'scratching their heads' as Trump ignores their warnings: WSJ - Raw Story


--- TFG


Saturday, December 14, 2024

It's Vladimir Putin's Best Christmas Ever With Drumpf's Reelection

Link: Trumpโ€™s New Team Is a Gift to Americaโ€™s Enemies


"Their incompetence will weaken the United States."  True.

"Their instability will leave them vulnerable to being compromised."  True.

But this is what Ma and Pa MAGA-American voted for.  This is what they wanted for the country.


And let's be clear.  Drumpf's desire to regain access to the oval office was driven by two intertwined motives.

One - he wanted to avoid prison time.  Mission accomplished.  And two - he wants revenge.  These shitty people for nominees in his cabinet and critical positions is DonOld's way of revenge against America and his detractors and better Americans for trying to hold him accountable for his crimes.

And Ma and Pa MAGA voted for that too.

Drumpf hasn't even set foot back inside the White House yet, and he has already produced nothing but mayhem, chaos and fear.  It will never get any better folks, and if the behavior of past despots in world history is any indication, it will only worsen until something has to break.  And if what breaks is the will of the American people to stand up to his and MAGA's thuggery, democracy and the concept of a free and 'United' States of America is officially dead.



--- TFG


Friday, December 13, 2024

Orange Shitler - Aspiring Tyrant of The Year

Drumpf and his sycophants are crowing about Time Magazine announcing their choice of Drumpf as their "Person of the Year" cover for the new year.

Well, besides the fact that Time Magazine hasn't been a relevant presence in US journalism since before the most recent change of the millennia, it's moderately humorous because even though Time has selected US Presidents over the years for their "Person of the Year" cover, in this case, DonOld's groupies are celebrating the sad reality that their dear leader will in fact be lumped in with the sullied catalog of despots and aspiring dictators who Time has also opted to fete as their chosen "Person of the Year" on the cover of their rag for nearly the past century, including this delightful fellow:



 Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_Person_of_the_Year



--- TFG


Welcome to the New Polio-Ravaged Red States of America

Link: Trump nominee's top ally calls for polio vaccines to be pulled from market: report - Raw Story 

Here's a middling challenge for The Gadfly's Drumpf-supporting friends and family members.  Are you ready?

Ok.  In 500 words or less, rationally, coherently, and factually explain to The Gadfly how facilitating the return of an insidious childhood disease that maimed and killed hundreds of thousands prior to the advent of the vaccine pioneered by Dr. Jonas Salk, makes America great again?  Go ahead.  Take your time.

Thanks for playing along.

--- TFG

The Coming Revolution Against Capitalist Greed

And then some credulously wonder how it is that a sizable number of Americans cheered or shrugged their shoulders at the recent, cold-blooded murder of United Healthcare's (UHC) CEO, Brian Thompson.

To be clear, there is no moral justification for such a crime, none.  However, considering the caliber of evil that we are dealing with here, it sure as fuck is understandable and I really don't give a shit if that view bothers the political elites in our country since they themselves have played a significant role in pushing our society to this unfortunate juncture to begin with.

Sadly, what happened to Brian Thompson is likely just the beginning of a simmering backlash from a movement of citizens who are tired of being taken advantage of by their fellow greedy, uncaring Americans.  And it goes without saying that with Drumpf constructing a cabinet and administration stocked full of billionaires and millionaires, it will only help hasten the arrival of even more and bloodier class warfare in the US.

Link: https://www.propublica.org/article/unitedhealthcare-insurance-autism-denials-applied-behavior-analysis-medicaid

--- TFG

The Gadfly is Confident That About 3 in 10 Americans Are Clinically Insane

Not that The Gadfly needed any additional confirmation from a major news organization, but it's become pretty damn clear that around a third of this nation's adults have consciously chosen to live their lives inside of a disinformation mega-bubble.

How do you fix this level of willful stupidity?  I don't think you can.  I think the only kind of lesson that will remedy such feeble mindedness is something that will strike terror and horror into the populace to such an extreme extent that it snaps them out of their stupor, something along the lines of a Great Depression or a World War.

MAGA Americans are steering the US toward one of those two unpleasant ends it appears, and pity them when the time comes for everyone to share in the reckoning from the consequences of them succeeding in their mission:

Link: AP-NORC poll finds low confidence in Trump on Cabinet picks | AP News

A functioning democracy won't remain functioning for very long when a sizable portion of it's citizenry aspires to be obtuse and cartoonishly stupid.

--- TFG

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Well Looky Looky Here . . .

Don't look now but the FBI informant who had claimed President Biden had taken millions in bribes from Ukraine energy conglomerate Burisma admitted TODAY, in federal court, that he made the whole thing up, and that he started peddling new lies, lies which were used by Trumpublicans in Congress and MAGA operatives to publicly attack the Bidens, AFTER meeting with Russian intelligence.

DonOld and his mentor Uncle Vlad really pulled a fast one on Ma and Pa MAGA didn't they?  Yessiree, you really have to applaud the teamwork and handiwork employed to bamboozle Drumpf's cult into believing that a diaper-wearing, dementia-ravaged fake billionaire who bankrupted every business venture he ever started, was the fix to every single economic and social issue that the feeble minds of MAGA Americans believe to be wrong with the country, and thus deserving of return to the White House.

The reality of course is always something different and in this case it's that in the process of sending an unrepentant rapist, convicted felon and coup-plotter back into the American White House it appears his voters may very well have also delivered the long sought victory over the evil American empire that Uncle Vlad and his totalitarian komrades have been yearning for since the end of World War 2.

God-damned MAGA idiots.


 Link: gov.uscourts.cacd.949422.9.0.pdf

Some dare call it treason.

--- TFG

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Elmo's $270 Million Investment In Drumpf's Campaign = BIG PAYOUT

This also is something you Trump supporters voted for.

You voted to vastly increase the billions in wealth of the planet's wealthiest billionaire.

And as your reward, Drumpf put this billionaire in charge of deciding which of you deserves to have social security, pensions, and healthcare coverage in your elderly years of age and retirement.

Lotsa luck with that kids.


Link: Elon Muskโ€™s Net Worth Skyrocketed After Striking Up Bromance With Trump 



--- TFG 


Brazenly Announcing their Corruption

This is what you voted for Trump supporters.  The continuation of the Drumpf family grift.

This is the corruption and the greed, the trashing of decency, and the selling out of our country and our shared democracy and American values that you all opted for because eggs were too expensive or some such brain achingly, stupid ass shit.

Eric 'the Lesser' appears to be graduating from scamming kids cancer charities to moving into the old man's world of international underworld grifting.

Based on DonOld's long, well-documented history of talking about how much he loves the Saudis, Eric no doubt already has a leg up with the reporter-murdering Arab oil sheikhs.

Give these shitheels time and it won't be long before they are announcing Drumpf Tower projects in Moscow, Beijing, and Pyongyang too.  Because that's just how fascist BFF despots roll.

Yes DonOld, we know you have so many friends from Saudi Arabia.  And that is precisely why you are a walking national security threat.

--- TFG

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The Dark Days of MAGA Power-Tripping Yet to Come

Drumpf is plainly telling us that he is planning to usher in America's own time of "the Troubles."

He is going to use the DOJ to corruptly cover up his own crimes and persecute his perceived detractors and "enemies," and shut down the press if he can.  It wouldn't be beyond the pale for him to stage his own "Reichstag Fire" moment allowing him to suspend the Constitution and civil liberties and essentially rule this nation as the dictator that he has openly stated he wants to be.

This will not end well for DonOld or America.


"President-elect Donald Trump is sending a clear, and dark, message to his supporters with his renewed vow to pardon the Jan. 6 rioters as soon as he takes office, former federal prosecutor Joyce Vance told MSNBC's Ari Melber on Monday evening.

Specifically, she argued, he is telling his supporters that no matter how many crimes they commit, he will have their back as long as the crime was on his behalf."

Link: Ex-prosecutor flags Trump's 'frightening' message to loyalists to 'use violence' - Raw Story




Drumpf's Failures Will Be America's Saving Grace

I have never wished for my country to fail, but things have changed.  Quite simply, it boils down to this.  Any "success" by Drumpf and his 'Project 2025' domestic terrorist pals translates to misery for millions and that will never be acceptable on any level.

This is the embarrassing, insidious assholery that MAGA voted for. Let's hope they fucking choke on it, even if the rest of us have to choke along with them to some degree.

"Trump revived a joke early Tuesday on Truth Social that sources claimed had "caused the prime minister and others to laugh nervously" after the meeting.

"It was a pleasure to have dinner the other night with Governor Justin Trudeau of the Great State of Canada," Trump posted at 12:06 a.m., degrading the prime minister's office and the autocracy of his nation.

"I look forward to seeing the Governor again soon so that we may continue our in depth talks on Tariffs and Trade, the results of which will be truly spectacular for all! DJT

 Link: Trump belittles Canada's 'Governor' Justin Trudeau in degrading late-night post - Raw Story


 --- TFG

Monday, December 9, 2024

Who Did Nazi This Coming?

Link: 'Whereโ€™s my German friends?' Trump hosts far-right German activists who defended Nazis - Raw Story

"President-elect Donald Trump recently hosted several members of the far-right German political party whose top leaders have gone on the record defending Nazi war criminals.

That's according to the Guardian, which reported that a group of AfD (Alternative fรผr Deutschland) members recently traveled to Mar-a-Lago to celebrate Trump's 2024 election victory. The incoming president was seen posing for photos with far-right Bundestag candidate Philipp-Anders Rau, who the Guardian described as a "purported semi-professional, one-time porn actor, self-confessed former cocaine user [and] convicted thief


It really would be nice if someone from the MAGA side of the fence could coherently educate The Gadfly as to how it is that an American President catering to known Nazi sympathizers is a way to "Make America Great Again?"

In fact, it would be nice if someone could explain this shit, and explain it to The Gadfly like he's five years old, mkay?


It's only going to get worse after Drumpf and his administration of freak show nominees, shady billionaires, and their Project 2025 grifter pals get their greedy, corrupt, and compromised hands on control of the levers of US governmental power.  And with an incoming convicted felon POTUS promising to govern this nation as a "dictator," it just means we are getting one step closer to the day when the people of this country discover who will be America's "good Germans" and who won't.



--- TFG


Saturday, December 7, 2024

Coming Soon: The Diseased States of America

Yet another horrifying consequence facing this country as a result of foolish Americans voting to put a convicted felon, rapist and compromised con artist back into the White House.

If you thought Drumpf getting more than a million Americans killed with his criminally negligent handling of the Covid pandemic was bad, wait until his nominee for Health & Human Services, a former heroin addict, a serial adulterer (seemingly a prerequisite for a job in a Drumpf admin), and a quack science, conspiracy-peddling anti-vaccine nutjob starts diddling with our public health infrastructure and long-standing, medical and science-based public health policies.

RFK Jr. in charge of safeguarding the public health of every single man, woman, and child in this nation is Drumpf's way of appeasing the darkest and looniest elements of his base of MAGA cult followers and it very could get a lot more Americans killed prematurely, more so if he is allowed to inject his own conspiracy-tinted views into his decision-making process as head of this agency steering public health policy for the entire country.

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"He's going to make America sick again."  Sicker than the America that voted to put a rapist and felonious mobster back in the White House?  That's pretty damn sick, isn't it?

--- TFG