During a tense meeting at the White House in June, President Trump caught Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe off guard with a pointed remark.
โI remember Pearl Harbor,โ the president said, referring to the surprise attack that propelled the United States into World War II. [Ed note: Trump was born in 1946.]
Trump then launched into a blistering critique of Japanโs economic policies, according to people familiar with the conversation. He railed against the U.S. trade deficit with Japan and urged Abe to negotiate a bilateral trade deal that is more favorable to U.S. exporters of beef and automobiles.
Born in 1946 and he "remembers" Pearl Harbor huh?
What is there to remember?
Everybody knows the fucking Germans bombed Pearl Harbor for fuck's sake (thank you for that history tidbit John Belushi):
Anyhow, that is quite the amazing feat by Drumpf, to claim to remember a seminal event in your nation's history as if you had been a cognizant eyewitness to it, even though it occurred a half dozen years before you were born. In fact, it's one of those quintessentially Drumpfian feats - one that only the mind of a very stable genius, and the sire of the "best genes" that mankind has to offer, could so immaculately conjure up.
Maybe though...maybe, he was thinking of the movie "Pearl Harbor" with Ben Affleck, or that 1970 movie Tora! Tora! Tora!, or . . . .
. . . . Or perhaps he's just an impostrous vulgarian turncoat who has fraudulently acquired temporary possession of the United States of American people's White House and Presidency, meaning that he simply does not give a rat's fucking sphincter about this country, it's history, or it's future. Nor does he give one flying fuck about any one individual in this country that isn't either making him money, making his spawn money, making Putin money, or bowing to his fetid fealty oath. Has anyone stopped to think that that is why he finds it so cavalierly easy to just say something so patently ridiculous to another world leader in public like that?
C'mon folks -- can't you see the big picture here??
He's a fraud, and has been a fraud since --- well, for fucking ever. Drumpf is the slap-chop guy, Liberace and the hell-roasted soul of Roy Cohn rolled up in to the festering orange bag of pus that we all know as Donald Fucking Trump.
Putin has some juicy shit on him. Oh yes he does.
Believe it.
It's all going to come out.
It has to.
Mueller is tying up the loose ends of his pincer-like investigation and Drumpf knows it and he's fucking scared shitless, which has clearly been seen in his increasingly erratic and disgraceful public behavior the past several weeks.
Mueller's heat has transformed Drumpf in to a living, breath pressure cooker.
Something is about to blow - and when it does, The Gadfly doesn't want to hear any of you mother-fucking skeptics saying afterward, "but Gadfly, how could we have known?" Umm, no - that ain't going to fly with the Gadfly. Nosiree.
But we'll cross that bridge when it's time.
Nonetheless, hang on to your seats kids - The Gadfly senses strong turbulence ahead.