Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Onward Donnie's Soldiers, Marching As To War! . . .

This is just the beginning:

The Latest: Israel says Iranians in Syria fired missiles

JERUSALEM (AP) โ€” The latest on tensions between Israel and Syria (all times local):

1:30 a.m.

Israelโ€™s military says Iranian forces based in neighboring Syria fired about 20 projectiles at Israeli positions in the Golan Heights.

It says Israeli defense systems intercepted โ€œsomeโ€ of the incoming rockets and damage on the Israeli side was minimal. There were no Israeli casualties.

Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus says Israel views the incident โ€œwith severityโ€ and has responded.

Israel has been on heightened alert in recent days, anticipating a possible Iranian retaliation. Iran has vowed revenge after blaming Israel for a series of deadly airstrikes on Iranian positions in Syria.

Pro-Syrian government media and activists reported earlier that missiles had been fired toward Israel from southern Syria late Wednesday targeting Israeli positions in the occupied Golan heights.

Should all out war break loose in the middle east, fueled by Drumpf's ratfuckery on the multilateral Iran deal, The Gadfly fully, and rightfully expects every single Trump supporter to offer up their very own military-age children to be in the first wave of invasion troops that will most certainly be necessary when the inevitable U.S. involvement and ground war in to Iran begins.

Think about it Trumpies - how much more passionately could you possibly demonstrate your patriotic duty to Trump Nation, and your worship of and loyalty to dear leader, than by bequeathing the lives of your own offspring as sacrificial cannon fodder in tribute to the glory of the Trumpian cause? . . . . .

โ™ซ Onward Donnie's soldiers!
  Marching as to war,
With the cross of Russia
  Going on before.
Vlad, the royal Master,
  Leads against the foe;
Forward into battle,
  See, His suckers go!
! โ™ซ


Friday, May 4, 2018

We (Meaning We Sane Americans) Need To Talk About This...

This is just the tip of the iceberg:

This story was co-published with Frontline PBS.

The 18-year-old, excited by his handiwork at the bloody rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last summer, quickly went online to boast. He used the handle VasillistheGreek.

โ€œToday cracked 3 skulls open with virtually no damage to myself,โ€ the young man wrote on Aug. 12, 2017.

Vasillios Pistolis had come to the now infamous Unite the Right rally eager for such violence. He belonged to a white supremacist group known as Atomwaffen Division, a secretive neo-Nazi organization whose members say they are preparing for a coming race war in the U.S. In online chats leading up to the rally, Pistolis had been encouraged to be vicious with any counterprotestors, maybe even sodomize someone with a knife. Heโ€™d responded by saying he was prepared to kill someone โ€œif shit goes down.โ€

One of Pistolisโ€™ victims that weekend was Emily Gorcenski, a data scientist and trans woman from Charlottesville who had shown up to confront the rallyโ€™s hundreds of white supremacists. In an online post, Pistolis delighted in how he had โ€œdrop kickedโ€ that โ€œtrannyโ€ during a violent nighttime march on the campus of the University of Virginia. He also wrote about a blood-soaked flag heโ€™d kept as a memento.

โ€œNot my blood,โ€ he took care to note.

At the end of the weekend that shocked much of the country, Pistolis returned to his everyday life: serving in the U.S. Marine Corps.

Of the many white supremacist organizations that have sprung up in the past few years, Atomwaffen is among the more extreme, espousing the overthrow of the U.S. government through acts of political violence and guerrilla warfare.

If this story is accurate, and this guy is still an active duty U.S. Marine - he's a fucking vile disgrace to that service.  With his actions, he has shit upon the dedicated men and women of all different kinds of religious, racial, political, and social backgrounds who make up the active, reserve and guard ranks.  America's military is a better, stronger Corp. for it's diversity.

We have a problem here folks, because The Gadfly can tell you that this guy is not an anomaly among the military rank and file, especially the combat forces.  There are hundreds, more likely thousands of these hateful sons of bitches who are going in to the military solely to get combat and weapons experience so they can then get out and take that tax payer paid for knowledge back to their knuckle-dragging little enclaves and klans.

And The Gadfly can guarantee you that over the past 2 years this infiltration has intensified - and you all sure as fuck know why that is and don't pretend you fucking don't know.

If there were any real men, of true leadership quality, in Donald Trump's abject dumpster fire of an administration, or anywhere in his US military infrastructure for that matter, that individual, or individuals, would be stepping forth to get out in front of this story and be leading the charge to get to the bottom of this insidious virus that has snaked it's way in to the general ranks of their commands.  And they absolutely must confront this disease, head-on, and with due haste.

The USMC, along with all the other branches of the United States Armed Forces, needs to make a lesson-teaching example out of this hateful little shithead of a loser and his "AtomWaffen" Nazi playmates.

They do that by summarily court martialing, and then dishonorably discharging the little Hitler fetishist pecker-snot from the USMC.

But before they get to that point, they need to issue a public pledge to all Americans that the military isn't going to stand for these sick, fascist, twisted little pricks joining their ranks just to get weapons training to take back to their Nazi butt buddies in the civilian world any longer.

The U.S. military leadership needs to make a unified, public proclamation that they are going to root out every last one of these anti-American bastards from the ranks - one by one - and, implement more rigorous candidate screening procedures to prevent the slimy little worms from getting in to the service to begin with.

That is what should, and what needs to happen to properly fix a deadly problem of this magnitude.

And every U.S. Marine, or Airman, or Sailor, or Army grunt who understands the gravity of precisely what it is about this country that motivates them to volunteer and put their lives on the line for it as a fighting member of the world's greatest military, and abiding by the oath and the code, knows goddamn fucking well what The Gadfly is talking about here.

Fix.  This.  Problem.  Now.

Thank you.
