Wednesday, December 27, 2017

You Can Compare Apples to Oranges, But Don't Compare Bulldogs to Poodles....

Goddamn these people are scary delusional:
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) sent out a couple of tweets on Tuesday to blast Obama while comparing Donald Trump to Winston Churchill.

In his first tweet, Huckabee said he has seen "The Darkest Hour about Churchill and said it reminds him of what "real leadership looks like."

"Churchill was hated by his own party, opposition party, and press. Feared by King as reckless, and despised for his bluntness," Huckabee tweeted. "But unlike Neville Chamberlain, he didn't retreat. We had a Chamberlain for 8 yrs; in @realDonaldTrump we have a Churchill."

Donald Trump = Winston Churchill.   That is some spectacularly special manner of ignis fatuus there dear readers.  Fluffers far and wide bow in marveled homage.

Winston Churchill was a highly decorated military officer who saw combat in several of Great Britain's wars and military actions prior to becoming British Prime Minister in 1940, where he subsequently led the English to victory in Europe along with the allied forces in WW2 over Hitler's Germany.

As for Drumpf .... well - The Gadfly supposes that in the tiny, infirm minds of his supporters - he's a war hero too.  Hell - they even have video proof - observe:

.... ahhh yes . . . Donald John Drumpf - a true, red, white & blue, real American, fake-sport warrior - saving America from the dread onslaught of steroid soaked wrestling promoters.

"Bone Spur" Donnie, or "Draft Dodger" Donnie Trump = "Bulldog" Winston Churchill . . . . . imagine fucking that.

The Gadfly does not doubt for one moment that Mike Huckabee, and probably most of Drumpf's supporters, actually believes that horseshit.  But The Gadfly has said it before, and he will state it yet again -- those are precisely the kinds of deranged views that make these modern-day American conservatives, in The Gadfly's honest opinion, the foremost internal threat to the future of the United States and what remains of it's democracy as we know it.


Thursday, December 21, 2017

โ™ซ...Oh Come All Ye' Bootlickers...โ™ซ . . . . . .

So.  Fucking.  Sickening.

One of the classic features/traits of dictatorships --- pious hero-worship of dear leader:

โ™ซ Ohh come let us adore him,

Ohh come let us adore him,

Ohh come let us ado-ore hi-im ...,

Dru-umpf our lord
. . . . . .


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Arrogance Like This Needs To Be Made An Example Of . . . Are You Listening Bob Mueller?

Platinum-blonde Vampira emerges from her "alternative facts" crypt to spew ever more "alternative facts" (aka lying horseshit) - over the public airwaves - all on the nation's premier "alternative facts" "news" network:

They are completely fucking unhinged and The Gadfly is not so certain that these people aren't also, at this point, foolishly setting themselves up as willing accomplices to treason.


Saturday, December 16, 2017

Fasten Seat Belts . . . . Turbulence Ahead . . . .

Intertoobs scuttlebutt says that something big is coming . . . .

Look for Drumpf to make his move this coming week or two to try and shut down the Robert Mueller special counsel investigation -- with Republican (to what extent? TBD) complicity.  It's going to get ugly and it's going to make Richard Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre pale in comparison as a direct threat to our constitutional laws which are the heart of America's civic life.

The foremost question that comes to The Gadfly's mind is -- who are you dear reader going to put your trust in?  A highly decorated U.S. Combat Marine who has master degrees in international studies and law, and a man who has had an impeccable career as an assistant attorney general, and as a U.S. Attorney who headed the prosecution that led to the convictions of the Pan Am 103 Libyan terrorists, and finally, a man who served with distinction as the head of the F.B.I. under both Republican and Democratic Presidents.

Or - are you going to entrust your future this lying, two-faced motherfucker:


Banning Words? Is This The Beginning of the End of the American Experiment?...

The Gadfly is not an alarmist by any means, but some of the shit that this administration is doing in the background right now, while everyone is distracted and wringing their hands about the Mueller investigation outcome, is simply stunning, and yes, fucking alarming.

The Trump administration is prohibiting officials at the nationโ€™s top public health agency from using a list of seven words or phrases โ€” including โ€œfetusโ€ and โ€œtransgenderโ€ โ€” in any official documents being prepared for next yearโ€™s budget.

Policy analysts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta were told of the list of forbidden words at a meeting Thursday with senior CDC officials who oversee the budget, according to an analyst who took part in the 90-minute briefing. The forbidden words are โ€œvulnerable,โ€ โ€œentitlement,โ€ โ€œdiversity,โ€ โ€œtransgender,โ€ โ€œfetus,โ€ โ€œevidence-basedโ€ and โ€œscience-based.โ€

In some instances, the analysts were given alternative phrases. Instead of โ€œscience-basedโ€ or ยญโ€œevidence-based,โ€ the suggested phrase is โ€œCDC bases its recommendations on science in consideration with community standards and wishes,โ€ the person said. In other cases, no replacement words were immediately offered.

If they can utilize the power of the state to ban specific words, then who or what is to stop them from taking it to the next logical step - the banning and sharing of ideas and opinions and the right to pursue certain unalienable rights?

This is the kind of totalitarian edict that The Gadfly would expect to hear that Vladimir Putin and his Kremlin political associates had issued and who in fact do so all the time.

Let's do a cursory review of this list of seven dirty words that the CDC has been informed that they are forbidden from using in their policy papers shall we?

Let's take a look at the most obvious one first -

Fetus.  It's no secret that Drumpf has thrown his political lot in with the evangelicals and abortion is the hot potato issue that gets their loins all hot and bothered.  It's the proverbial bone thrown to a radical group who are determined to control the reproductive rights of every woman in this country and which is really just a gateway issue they use as cover to see their Christian reconstruction plans for ruling the nation are advanced.

Vulnerable.  When The Gadfly thinks of the word "vulnerable" in the context of a political, socioeconomic discussion, he thinks of the elderly, the poor, the physically disabled, immigrants, people with no access to affordable health or mental health care, the homeless, etc.  Conservatives don't like the word because it appeals to good people's hearts and souls too easily and god forbid that we have public servants who demonstrate any empathy toward their suffering fellow citizens as they discharge their government duties.

Entitlement.  Apparently, any government program that enhances the quality of life of an American while shaving a few cents on the dollar off of some billionaire's tax cut is an "entitlement" and once again it's a word that conservatives do not like to bandy about except in the context of  it being a vehicle for some undeserving Americans (usually the darker-skinned ones) to take something that they have no right to.

Transgender and diversityBigotry and racism, pure and simple.  Aside from the abortion issue, if there's one thing that modern, alt-right conservatives hate more, it's people of different skin colors, different cultures, languages and lifestyles, different religions, and open-minded ideas about how to govern a nation of such diverse citizens.

And lastly.

Evidence-based and science-based.  The Centers for Disease Control are scientists.  It's what they do.  They study the science and collect the best available evidence about a wide range of public health issues with the goal of protecting the American populace from dangerous health threats that if not addressed and dealt with could very well compromise our national security.  The Gadfly would think that any American who considers themselves sane and reasonable would want scientists who have this thankless job to be all about evidence-based and science-based analysis when they study these critical national health issues and issue national policies to deal with them.

And just curious -- what is the penalty should a scientist consciously make the decision to speak out publicly using any of these banned words?  Demotion?  Loss of job.  Economic sanctions?  Legal persecution up to and including arrest and imprisonment?

Drumpf and the conservative right are treading dangerously close to authoritarianism with shit like this dear readers.  And it needs to be clarified right here and now that there is a clear line to be crossed, and by their own evidence-based actions and words,  the right seems to be quite willing to do so at some future point should they ever gain unfettered power.  And it goes without saying that should that moment come to pass, then perhaps it's time to dust off these hallowed words and put them to good use:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. โ€” That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, โ€” That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Just saying.


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

To What Painful End Does This, Their Madness, Eventually Bring Us? . . .

Oh dear baby Jeebus - or somebody - please, please make them stop . . . please? . . . . .

Not by any stretch of the imagination does The Gadfly consider himself a horseman.  But The Gadfly has seen enough John Wayne westerns and Bonanza re-runs to be pretty fucking confident that that is not how a real cowboy and real man - at least one who legitimately knows something about horses - rides one.

That has has got to be some of the most sad-sack style of horse-riding The Gadfly has seen since Billy Crystal proved that nice Jewish yuppies from the city can't ride in "City Slickers."

Roy Moore broadcasts the depths of his desperation by pulling this idiotic stunt.  But Moore, just like Trump, knows who his base is and he knows they will love him all the more for it and stiffen their resolve to continue ignoring the monstrous reality staring them in the eyes - namely that they are about to quite possibly elect a child molester to high public office.

The Gadfly honestly does not know what answers or solutions there are to dealing with the disturbing realization that about a quarter or so of our country's citizenry are just flat out mother fucking insane.  All that The Gadfly does know is that if the rest of us don't confront these people and deal openly and determinedly with their bullshit, and instead allow it spread -- it most assuredly will be the end of democracy as we presently know it.


Sunday, December 10, 2017

Have Yourself a Merry Little FakeNews Christmas . . . . .

Fox "News" has been playing their gullible viewers for suckers for a very, very long time and The Gadfly probably sounds like a broken record to his dear readers for regularly pointing this actuality out, but it has gotten to the point where they aren't even trying to obfuscate their public chicanery anymore - they just lay the deceit right out there, and proudly so, for the world to see:

[ click pic to enlarge ]

The insinuation by this dim bulb bimbo Kayleigh McEnany is that, finally - after 8 years of heathen contamination of the white people's white house, Drump is  long-awaited savior of their sacred, yet liberal-besieged birthday celebration of baby Jeebus.

They actually believe that the benign act of just mouthing the words "Merry Christmas" by dear leader Drumpf, and in the context of a rallying cry to his cult members, is unquestionable evidence that dear leader is a proud and patriotic American, a "real" American, unafraid to utter the divine Christmas greeting -- unlike that filthy, Kenyan Muslim - Obama.  Conservatives like McEnany are convinced that Barack Obama, in deference to his "secret" Muslim religious views, consciously chose not to ever use the words "merry" and "Christmas" as adjective and noun respectively in a sentence ----

Except those hundreds of videotaped times when he did of course . . .observe:

This is why The Gadfly attacks Fox "News" so relentlessly dear readers -- it has nothing to do with their penchant for skewering heavily to the right on everyday, boilerplate partisan politics on their network.  No - it has everything to do with a racist, fascist Australian billionaire, Rupert Murdoch, being granted the privilege and the trust to broadcast over the American public airwaves, and abusing that trust by knowingly spreading lies and misinformation, with the principle goal of advancing his chosen political ideology and a political movement.  That dear readers is the burr under The Gadfly's saddle that gets him so riled up about Fox "news" and the asinine, insidious shit like this "war on Christmas" hogwash that his lowbrow network has been peddling for years.

It takes some pretty fucking shameless and diabolical motivations to promulgate a swindle over the public airwaves that is consciously designed to frighten old people, young children - and the just plain dumb - in to believing that people like The Gadfly want to culturally expunge, or even outright ban, the uttering of the words "Merry Christmas".  More than anything though, it demonstrates to The Gadfly's eyes just how desperate the conservative movement must be for them to have to keep feeding their believers this steady, mind-numbing diet of manufactured fear and hatred and stupidity, and that is liberally laced with active strains of bigotry, nationalism and religious zealotry.

If humanity survives these dangerous times we live in, history will not look kindly upon Rupert Murdoch and his Palpatine-like media empire for the mischief and troubles they have wrought to the well being of the human condition - and rightly so.

To The Gadfly it is all the more reason to stand up and speak out now.  There is a battle for the soul of this country going on, with some very dark and humanity and democracy despising elements involved.  It just needs to be acknowledged that they who win that battle, also win the privilege of writing the history.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Words Fail . . .

Apparently being a guy in his mid-30's who stalks the shopping malls hunting down teen girls for "dates" is an Alabama state "value."  Gee -- who'd have thunk it?

Good god - what has gone so terrifyingly wrong with this country that so many simply cannot recognize the evilness of rewarding this duplicitous deviant a position in higher office where his legislative actions can affect so many American's lives.

The Gadfly just cannot wrap his dirty old liberal hippie head around that and accept that this is all normal and ok.

And those are The Gadfly's values.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

There's Much At Stake in This Coming Constitutional Ground War . . . Don't Fuck it Up America...

That slow burning fuse inches ever closer to it's inevitable powder-keg explosion:

Special counsel Robert Mueller has taken his Russia investigation closer to the heart of Donald Trump, looking into the finances of the president and his family.
Oh dear! . . .
Mueller has asked Deutsche Bank to share information on accounts held by the Trump family as part of his investigation into Russiaโ€™s alleged attempts to influence the 2016 election, Reuters reported Tuesday. The bank has loaned the Trump organization millions of dollars over the years.
Trump does not like revealing details of his finances. He still hasnโ€™t released his tax returns, unlike other presidents in recent history.
And in July, Trump implied that he would consider firing Mueller if he started looking into his finances.

Trump openly threatened Mueller that any attempt to gather information on the Trump empire's shady finances would be crossing a red line.  If this story is accurate, Bob Mueller has rumbled past Dapper Don's scary red line, driving an M1 Abrams Tank, and shooting bunker-busting shells that have the entire text of the United States Constitution emblazoned on their casings.  This would be Mueller's purposefully obtuse way of telegraphing Trump directly and warning him that he is not, in any way, shape or form, above the fucking law - PERIOD.

All that The Gadfly knows is that something is going to have to give here soon -- you've got the tectonic plates of oligarch-financed politics and constitutional law rubbing against each other and the stress levels of this impending confrontation are steadily intensifying.

People had better start paying attention to this shit.  Some real history making stuff is coming down the pike and the outcome of this battle of forces is going to quite likely determine whether this nation moves forward in the best interests of the American people's freedoms and way of life or whether it takes a darker and less democracy-friendly path.


Monday, December 4, 2017

The King of Kings Has Spoken - So Let It Be Written, So Let It Be Done! . . .

Boy - these fuckers are going really deep in to the rabbit hole . . . .

John Dowd, President Trump's outside lawyer, outlined to me a new and highly controversial defense/theory in the Russia probe: A president cannot be guilty of obstruction of justice.
The "President cannot obstruct justice because he is the chief law enforcement officer under [the Constitution's Article II] and has every right to express his view of any case," Dowd claims.

Holy shit!  They actually went there.  The argument is - Trump is above the law by sole virtue of his chief-executive status.

The Gadfly now recalls what movie character he saw once who so effectively channeled the aura of the Grand Old Pussygrabbing Trump . .... this fellow:

Lock Them Up!


Your Mocking Papers Sir? . . . .

[ click pic to enlarge ]

Political decorum Police!  Arrest that man!
On What charge?  Teasing dear leader!  
Lock Him Up!  Lock Him Up!

The mindset of butt-hurt fascists on glorious display:

Before he left office, Barack Obama said his goal was to steer clear of the political spotlight โ€” as George W. Bush had done when he left the White House โ€” giving the new president room to govern without Obama's shouldering into every debate with the megaphone that being a former commander in chief affords.
But a Fox Business commentator said Obama violated that unwritten rule with a recent comment about Trumpโ€™s tweets. Whatโ€™s more, according to Fox Business host Lou Dobbs, that violation should merit arrest.
โ€œI think U.S. marshals should follow [Obama], and anytime he wants to go follow the president like he is and behave [like that],โ€ Dobbs said on his show Friday. โ€œI mean, this is just bad manners. Itโ€™s boorish and itโ€™s absurd and he doesnโ€™t realize how foolish he looks.โ€
โ€œI mean, he should be brought back by the marshals. Isnโ€™t there some law that says presidents shouldnโ€™t be attacking sitting presidents?โ€
The Obama comments in question came during a leadership forum in India, according to The Washington Postโ€™s Annie Gowen.
Someone asked Obama about recent comments made by his wife, Michelle, in Toronto: The former first lady said it was never a good idea to โ€œtweet from bed,โ€ a not-so-subtle commentary on Trumpโ€™s early-morning social media habits.
In New Delhi, her husband agreed.
โ€œMichelle was giving the general idea. โ€ฆ Donโ€™t say the first thing that pops in your head. Have a little bit of an edit function,โ€ he said. โ€œThink before you speak. Think before you tweet.โ€

"Isn't there some law that says presidents shouldn't be attacking [or mocking?..] sitting presidents?"

Umm -- no numbnuts.  There isn't.  And never has been - for reasons being which any truly good citizen and mindful student of our constitution should know.

Wow -- advocating for the criminalizing of what pretty can pretty much be defined as - teasing?

But follow the [lack of] logic here if you can dear readers.

In a recent interview, former first lady Michelle Obama made an off-hand observation/comment as to how it is probably not a good idea for some people (yes we all know who she was -wink, wink - talking about, even though she did not mention his name) to tweet from their beds.  The advice, in and of itself, was, in The Gadfly's not-so-humble opinion, so thoroughly benign - to the point of tepidness.

Then, days later, while giving a speech in India, someone asked the former President himself what he thought of his wife's words of wisdom.  Obama, also quite indifferently, and not mentioning names, said something to the effect that his wife was simply offering up some fairly basic and sound advice about people blasting there opinions in to the sphere of public discourse - haphazardly and arrogantly, oft times with unthinking malice.  Once again - sound, benevolent advice.

And for that transgression Lou Dobbs feels Barack Obama should be arrested by the U.S. Marshals abroad and hauled back to the United States to face charges of, exactly what, Dobbs does not specify.

Poor Lou Dobbs - he's either just as demented as his beloved Donald, or perhaps the ravages of old age are beginning to take their toll on his senses - which of course, would be unfortunate.  Either way, the suggestion to arrest Obama because he may or may not have hurt the delicate fee-fees of dear leader, is decidedly deranged, undemocratic, and un-American.

This is why the modern-day conservative movement needs to be stood up to.  Because if these right wingers like old man Dobbs had their way, they would be arresting people who dared to exercise their free-speech rights or speak of dear leader in an unflattering manner publicly and openly.  They would unblinkingly use the power of the state to stifle freedom of speech and political dissent and yes - lock up their political opponents.

Listen -- The gadfly, and millions of others in this country, weathered eight fucking years of right wing, Tea Party nastiness, boorishness (btw -perfect word Mr. Dobbs), and hatefulness toward, and lying about and smearing the personal integrity of a pretty goddamn decent man in Barack Obama.  The number that the conservatives did on Obama's character and legitimacy as president transcended pure, old school political sore losing.

The Gadfly will flatly stipulate in fact, that if  there is anyone who can stand up and state, with aforethought and straight face, that the right's treatment of Obama wasn't deliberately spiteful and viciously bigoted throughout Obama's tenure - you most certainly were not paying very careful attention or you you are someone who possesses no reservations about lying to yourself.  And Donald fucking Trump was an active participant in those despicable efforts with his birther assholery.

Thankfully Obama took all of that noxious behavior in stride with the utmost class and dignity, ignored the lunatics in the asylum, and just did the best job he could under the circumstances that he was saddled with.  Obama's behavior was that of a rational, thoughtful adult.  His behavior in office was that fitting a true leader and real man -- unlike the conceited, duplicitous, rage tweeting toddler currently squatting in the people's white house.

As such, in The Gadfly's view, Donald Trump and his Russian friends are the natural byproduct of conservatism's flirtations with totalitarianism and aryan nationalism over the past few decades.  Their wholesale rejection of the basic concepts of truth, reality and fairness has inflicted a deep wound in the soul of this nation and this incredible experiment in democracy.  And as far as The Gadfly is concerned, Donald Trump's political head on a Robert Mueller III served up platter will be the first step toward setting things right for America's and democracy's futures.

Finally -- let's not mince words here -- the conservative movement, of which Lou Dobbs is a card carrying member, owns Trump.  They own Trump's crimes (hopefully we are going to find out about those crimes very soon here).  They will own Trump's legacy and his sordid place in history.  There is no fucking getting around that inalterable reality.

It doesn't take much to ridicule Trump, his own actions and Tweet storms pretty much write that daily satire script all of their own accord.  So Fuck Trump and Fuck Lou Dobbs if they don't like it.


Friday, December 1, 2017

And There It Is . . .

The Gadfly tried to warn you Trump supporters.  He most sincerely did.

Oh boy . . . .

Let's review the most salient portion of that transcript shall we? . . .

"He [Flynn] has promised full cooperation to the Mueller team.  He is prepared to testify, we have been told by a confidant, against President Trump, against members of the Trump family and others in the White House.  He is prepared to testify that President Trump, as a candidate Donald Trump, ordered him and directed him to make contact with the Russians which contradicts all that Donald Trump has said at this point."

Trump the Russian stooge is fucking toast - stick a fork in his fat, treasonous ass.

You want to know dear readers what the true Karmic justice is in all of this?

It's this . . . :

And this . . . :

And the Trump voters can whine and moan all that they want to on AM radio and on right wing media comment forums that this is  "fake news" to which The Gadfly would respond -- go ask Robert Mueller III if any of this is fake to him?  Ask the grand jury members who are reviewing the evidence Mueller's team is presenting to them if it's fake.  Ask those same grand jurists if any of the indictments that they are preparing to hand down are fake.

There was a point in time that The Gadfly thought that he might feel kind of bad for Trump supporters if this administration didn't succeed.  Not any more.  Not a fucking bit.  They all have had this coming to them for some time and the sooner that the entire rotten lot of them are swept from power, and yes, even locked up if the evidence demands it, the infinitely better this country will be for it.

Lock them up!  Lock them up!!  Lock them up!!!


This Ends Badly For All if Now is Not The Right Time for Courage...

The Gadfly is curious -- how many of you feel that a nuclear holocaust, and likely third world war would be an acceptable price to pay for a bunch of asshole's right to piss off liberals??

The Gadfly used to have all manner of political disagreements with Joe Scarborough when he was a jerk conservative Republican congressman from Florida.  But things have changed - and apparently so has Scarborough.

Scarborough has enough sense about him to be cognizant of potential calamity when he sees it and boy, does he lay it all out on the line in this video.  Observe:

"Tell me. General Mattis, when is it polite to bring this up in polite society? Rex Tillerson, when is this the right time to talk about a mentally unstable president in the White House and a nuclear showdown with another unstable madman in North Korea? Is it after the first nuclear missiles fly? What exactly is the right time . . .?"

Scarborough isn't saying anything out loud in that video that a great many of us, including The Gadfly, haven't been thinking and saying for quite some time.  He's just a day late and a dollar short to the Trump is a Madman square dance.

To put it simply dear readers -- if Joe Scarborough's worst fears are realized -- life as you, The Gadfly, Joe Scarborough and everyone else on this planet presently knows it, ceases to exist.  That is what we are talking about here.

Speak up now - before it's too late.
