Monday, January 15, 2018

Bush Was The MBA President . . . Now We Have The First NDA President...

Simply fucking amazing:

The Daily Beast was informed late Friday that porn star Jessica Drake is not allowed to discuss President Donald J. Trump on account of a non-disclosure agreement she signed barring her from any such talk. NDAs are often deployed as part of settlements to silence accusers. 

“Jessica’s NDA blankets any and every mention of Trump, so she’s legally unable to comment,” her publicist, Josh Ortiz, informed The Daily Beast. “Jessica signed a non-disclosure agreement after her allegations of misconduct, and she can’t do as much as peep his name publicly.”

He's Just A Gigolo . . . . . . .

The Gadfly would wager good, honestly earned, lower middle-class, non-exempt paycheck money that there are dozens of these Drumpf NDA's (non-disclosure agreements) floating around out there that have absolutely fucking nothing to do with real estate nor any other aspect of legitimate business world transactions (yes - The Gadfly knows - insert Trump as a businessman joke here).

If you've ever listened to any of Howard Stern's radio shows, there are myriad instances, over many years, of Dashing Donny musing on-air about his lustful tendencies and insatiable appetite for young, nubile wenches.  His dalliances with porn stars is ho-hum not-news to people like The Gadfly who have actually followed Donald Trump's very public "career"and heard him boasting of his mighty sexual conquests all over the globe.

Listen - please, once and for all - you few remaining, possibly reasonable Trump supporters.  Donald Trump is a grifter and con artist.  He's a litigious backstabbing "businessman" who feels much more comfortable sitting around a boardroom table with mafia crime bosses than he does with legitimate American corporate business leaders.  He surrounds himself with emotionally prepubescent political groupies, fawning yes men and women, and no evidence at all exists that he is capable of humbly seeking counsel from people who are mature, intelligent and possess natural leadership skills and experiences.

He lies incessantly, and is a comically obtuse narcissist.  He has the disposition of a pit viper and the moral verisimilitude and humanity of Simon Legree.

Oh -- and it cannot be pointed out nearly fucking enough that the July, 2006 alleged "Tighty Whities" hotel/porn star incident took place a mere couple of months after his son Barron was born to him and his wife of 16 months, Melania.

And that is what prompted the Gadfly's explicit "amazing" admonition at the opening of this post.

It is practically impossible for The Gadfly to fathom how conservative, God fearing America would be reacting to news stories that might have come out a year in to Barack Obama's first term, that entailed accusations that Obama had paid off some porn starlets in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and in doing so, secured legal agreements from these porn starlets sealing their silence -- and that at least one of the dalliances occurred shortly after the birth of a child with a new, young wife.

Can you imagine dear readers -- the hew and the cry, hither and yonder, that would have been belched forth by "real" American, religious conservatives, who are now Trump's base,  should such a story have ever shown up in The Wall Street Journal about Barack Hussain Obama??  O. M. F. G.

It's the primary reason that The Gadfly does not ever . . . FUCKING EVER! . . . ever, ever, ever again -- care at all to hear any religious conservatives preaching on the subject of "moral values."  It is quite apparent that an unfortunate majority of those conservatives simply have none --moral values that is -- or at least do not have any that are borne of intrinsic human honesty and decency.

You "morals values" spouting conservatives really do need to coherently explain how it is that you can refer to yourself as a moral person and still support a moral monster like Donald John Trump.  And you can delude (lie to) yourself all that you can, but that would only underscore just how far you have lowered the bar on your own morals --- because, for all intent and purpose at that point, the bar is lying flat on the ground - it cannot get any lower than that.

The Gadfly is more than ready to have that conversation with evangelical conservatives, however, if their intransigence to date on coming clean over their hypocrisy on this situation is any indication, The Gadfly will not be wasting any of his valuable personal time waiting for that cathartic moment to come to pass.


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