Friday, December 1, 2017

This Ends Badly For All if Now is Not The Right Time for Courage...

The Gadfly is curious -- how many of you feel that a nuclear holocaust, and likely third world war would be an acceptable price to pay for a bunch of asshole's right to piss off liberals??

The Gadfly used to have all manner of political disagreements with Joe Scarborough when he was a jerk conservative Republican congressman from Florida.  But things have changed - and apparently so has Scarborough.

Scarborough has enough sense about him to be cognizant of potential calamity when he sees it and boy, does he lay it all out on the line in this video.  Observe:

"Tell me. General Mattis, when is it polite to bring this up in polite society? Rex Tillerson, when is this the right time to talk about a mentally unstable president in the White House and a nuclear showdown with another unstable madman in North Korea? Is it after the first nuclear missiles fly? What exactly is the right time . . .?"

Scarborough isn't saying anything out loud in that video that a great many of us, including The Gadfly, haven't been thinking and saying for quite some time.  He's just a day late and a dollar short to the Trump is a Madman square dance.

To put it simply dear readers -- if Joe Scarborough's worst fears are realized -- life as you, The Gadfly, Joe Scarborough and everyone else on this planet presently knows it, ceases to exist.  That is what we are talking about here.

Speak up now - before it's too late.


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