Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Day Care Nightmare . . . . Day 263...And Counting...

Looks like Drumpf made a conscious, albeit deranged, decision to prolong his juvenile "I know you are, but what am I" Twitter pissing contest with GOP Senator Bob Corker today:

President Donald Trump escalated his attacks on Sen. Bob Corker, a powerful Tennessee Republican, on Tuesday, calling him "Liddle," apparently mocking the senator's physical size.
The president has reportedly remarked on Corker's size before, telling aides that the 5-foot-7 lawmaker was too short to be his secretary of state, a position that Corker was reportedly in the running for.

The Gadfly is going to say this to you Trump supporters directly - mkay?

The man you chose to be your president is an immature, callous little boob and demonstrably unfit for the office he holds.  This man's behavior, in his capacity as the leader of the world's greatest democracy, IS NOT NORMAL, and especially so for a supposed adult who literally holds the fate of a nation and millions of human lives in his hands.  IS NOT NORMAL!  Are you fucking listening??

Drumpf is a psychological basket-case masquerading as "leader" of the free world, and if he is allowed to continue behaving the way that he is, which is basically treating the handling of national and world affairs like they're just another episode of his "reality" tv show 'The Apprentice' - then he is going to bring a world of hurtful shit on this country and quite possibly even get an ungodly number of people killed - Americans included.

For god sake - even some of his own top cabinet members have been disturbed enough to form a "political" suicide pact wherein if Drumpf were to oust any one of them, the others would summarily resign as well.  Why?  C'mon!  They know what's going on!  They interface with Drumpf frequently and they see what The Gadfly sees and worries about - that there is indeed an impetuous, psychologically unstable individual, with an unconcerned penchant for bullying braggadocio and crude behavior - who it just so happens - has control of the nation's military and the nuclear codes.

This isn't rocket science folks.  This is a crisis that is about to explode out in the open here.  Which way that explosion breaks cannot be foretold at this point, but from a black and white, reality-based viewpoint, there is only one good outcome here, or one bad outcome.  One of the two.  Either/or.  And both are ugly.

Something has to give here dear readers.  This can't go on.

However, suffice to say, that if the American people truly want to find out just how bad that the bad outcome could possibly be, then just everyone sit back, do nothing, say nothing and allow his man-baby Royal Highness to go and play with his tanks and his missiles and his army men in his worldly playpen without adult supervision.  What could possibly go wrong - right?


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