Thursday, March 27, 2014

They Can't Even Ratfuck With Any Measure of Competency . . . . And Yet They Want to Run The Country? . . No Thanks....

The Gadfly is just about to hit the road for his 4 day vagrancy foray away from the reality-based world he resides and plies his trade in dear readers.

However, before he skedaddles off to give his brain the direly needed R&R that has been long overdue in coming, The Gadfly would like to leave you with a couple of posts to ponder.

First up -- this sad. sad, sad bit of business:

The Gadfly mordantly chuckles to himself.  This story, dear readers, sums up the entirety of the intellectual aptitude of the collective fucking right-wing conservative movement in America today.

Unable to compete fairly and honorably in the arena of ideas and vision, they are left to their own childish, ratfucking devices such as this.

They have such a raging, vindictive hard-on for trying to nit-pick everything Obama does or says that they fail miserably to even get the basic background facts needed to support their attacks correct.  And in the end, they simply look like the callow ankle-biters that they truly are.  Just sad and pathetic - and it is why The Gadfly grants no mercy in his on-going observations of them.

Oh -- and btw -- journalists (aside from those listening to their own leaders in North Korea or Iran perhaps), never applaud after hearing world leaders give press briefings -- as such, it is a whole lot less than "less common."


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