Tuesday, March 11, 2014

If The Right's Humor Didn't Have The Stench of Death Attached to it -- It Too Just Might Be Funny . . .

Oh for fuck's sake:

Right-Wing Media Indignant Over President Obama's Funny Or Die Interview

Right-Wing Media Criticize Interview As "Inappropriate," "Gross," "No Joke"
Fox & Friends: President Obama's Interview Was "Inappropriate" And "Tragic." Fox & Friends hosts Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Brian Kilmeade attacked president Obama's interview as "so inappropriate" and "pretty tragic." Hasselbeck said, "Some would argue that it's inappropriate for the president of the United States to be advertising a law, an insurance plan":
KILMEADE: It is so inappropriate... for the president of the United States to be sitting down for an interview that's a mock-up
HASSELBECK: Some would argue that it's inappropriate for the president of the United States to be advertising a law, an insurance plan.
KILMEADE: I think it's pretty tragic. Whoever recommended that he do that show should be fired. [Fox News, Fox and Friends3/11/2014]

Fox's MacCallum Questions Whether Obama's Interview Was "Appropriate." Fox News host Martha took to Twitter to ask whether Obama's appearance on Funny or Die was "appropriate":


Ok - so basically, the President, as American Presidents in this modern age are wont to do on occasion, does a little parody bit with comedian Zach Galifianakis, and during the bit gets in a hokey plug for the ACA's health care sign up website.

Horror of horrors right?  Well yes -- apparently so if you are a concern troll who works for Fox "News."

Ostensibly, Obama's appearance was so disturbing that the right-wing media hyenas, as they are wont to do, coordinated their outrage fainting spells today over the deal - labeling it as "inappropriate" and "tragic."

Well -- The Gadfly recalls a comedy routine by our previous President which received nary a peep from the wingnut hyenas, and the subject matter of that routine was nothing near as innocuous as Obama's banal plug for a health care website.  Remember this humorous bit of frivolity dear readers:


Oh yeah -- that's Emperor Dumbass joking at the White House Correspondent's Dinner about his and his administration's inability to locate Saddam Hussein's Weapons of Mass Destruction -- you know -- the ones which we were told, were being imminently readied by Saddam to create mushroom clouds over American cities, and which of course turned out to be nothing more than Bush and Cheney lies to the American people as being their justification for invading Iraq?    Pretty funny shit huh -- considering it only cost America around 5,000 U.S. soldier's lives, 70,000 or more Iraqi civilian lives, around $4 trillion in U.S. taxpayer money, and a tarnished reputation among our longstanding allies around the world.  Nothing "inappropriate" and "tragic" about that kind of humor - huh dear readers?

So once again -- we see the abject failure of conservatives to conveniently ignore the gross and unmistakable leadership fuck ups of their own kind, and give them a free pass in the accountability department, yet they scream like stuck pigs when a completely harmless, albeit corny, act is committed by the other side.

If you ask The Gadfly -- he will take Obama's lame joking around any day over the right's macabre wisecracking about their "leader's" actions which only succeeded in filling a shit-load of body bags and draining the national treasury.



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