Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Dark Lord Speweth . . . .

[ click pic to enlarge ]

[ Visual aid:  "Calm down," The Gadfly whispers to himself through clenched teeth, "just take a deep breath and go to your happy place." ]:

FEBRUARY 25, 2014, 10:18 AM EST
Former Vice President Dick Cheney blasted President Barack Obama on Monday for proposed cuts to the military, saying the President would prefer food stamps to a strong national defense.
Fox News host Sean Hannity asked Cheney if he thought Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel's proposal to shrink the Army to pre-World War II levels was "dangerous."
“I've obviously not been a strong supporter of Barack Obama. But this really is over the top," Cheney said. "It does enormous long-term damage to our military, and they act as though it's highway spending you can turn on and off."
Cheney noted that "friends" he's worked with in the Middle East no longer trust the United States and lamented that budget considerations were taking a toll on the prestige of the American military.
“[Obama would] much rather spend the money on food stamps than he would on a strong military or support for our troops,” he said.

Has anyone else noticed that Fox "News" pretty much appears to be the sole remaining national media outlet that is of the belief that Dick Cheney is still in possession of human character traits which contain any semblance of credibility and integrity, or whose views on what is best for the country contain any semblance of relevance or are deserving of respect?

The man is a war criminal.  He helped to lie this country in to two wars, besmirched our nation's international reputation by employing the torture of prisoners, and was the puppeteer hand guiding the ruinous economic policies of one of the most dimwitted and incompetent Presidents in U.S. history.  Instead of spouting his venal ruminations over the American public airwaves, Mr. Cheney ought to be rotting away in a maximum security detention cell in The Hague, along with a few other former Bush administration goons.

"The President would prefer food stamps to a strong national defense."

Hmmm - let us analyze that dollop of wet, creamy, festering, and steamy pile of doggy poop word salad for a moment shall we dear readers?

First - for Mr. Cheney to be spouting off about what might be considered causes of "long-term damage to our military" - that simply has to be the soaring pinnacle of smug arrogance.

Apparently Mr. Cheney is not of the view that the following could be considered damaging to our military, long-term or otherwise:

Casualties in Iraq

The Human Cost of Occupation
Edited by Margaret Griffis :: Contact
American Military Casualties in Iraq 
In Combat
American Deaths
Since war began (3/19/03):44893528
Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03) (the list)


Since Handover (6/29/04):36272899
Since Obama Inauguration (1/20/09):256128
Since Operation New Dawn:6639
American WoundedOfficialEstimated
Total Wounded:32021Over 100000
Page last updated 02/19/14 10:27 pm EDT
U.S. Wounded
Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator
Other Coalition Troops - Iraq
US Military Deaths - Afghanistan
Other Military Deaths - Afghanistan
Contractor Employee Deaths Iraq
Journalists - Iraq
Academics Killed - Iraq
Sources: DoDMNF, and iCasualties.org

Secondly dear readers - the following words were spoken by a former President, a Republican - a hero of World War II - a man whose lifetime accomplishments and credentials in the areas of honesty, humility, wisdom, and humanity tower over those of Mr. Cheney like the Empire State Building would tower over a dilapidated, wooden outhouse.

Take heed, Mr. Cheney, of the words spoken by Dwight David Eisenhower:

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."

Hmm -- If The Gadfly didn't know any better dear readers, it sounds like what the message that then President Eisenhower, a man who saw more than his fair share of war's death and destruction while leading America and the Allies to victory over the Nazis and Japan in WWII, was trying to convey there was, that his fellow Americans would be far better off spending it's national treasure not only on food for our poor (of whom nearly a million are Vets) - but also things like decent wages and working conditions for our workers, investments in non-military related scientific research, bettering the future quality of life of our children, and seeking ways to improve the overall human condition of our planetary species.

In other words Dick -- can The Gadfly call you Dick? -- Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, would he still be with us today and responding to your venomous prattling, would very likely look you straight in the eye and tell you to go fuck yourself.

And since it is a fair analysis to postulate that that is how former President Eisenhower would have responded to Mr. Cheney --- The Gadfly will wholly concur --- therefore --- Hey Dick!!  Go Fuck Yourself!!!


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