Monday, February 24, 2014

Owwww! The Stoopid!! It Burnsssssss!!! . . . . . . .

[ click pic to enlarge ]

Visual aid:  The Gadfly throws his arms in to the air in abject exasperation ]

Somebody please make them stop:

The latest debunked Obamacare “victim”  appeared on the bastion of truth that is FOX News to tell the world she’s had enough of being called a liar because she lied. In the most recent Koch-funded deluge of dishonesty, a woman by the name of Julie Boonstra lamented her loss of a $1,100/month plan, which she replaced with one that costs much less–$571 per month.
She claims the out-of-pocket costs are higher, but did not mention that even with out-of-pocket costs at their maximum ($6350 per year) her new plan would cost only $2 more. Julie admits she doesn’t know all the numbers, but one thing is for sure–Obamacare is the devil.
** There are videos at the link if you can stomach them.

How do you counter such disingenuous stupidity like this?  No - really!  How?

This woman is bitching and moaning on Fox "News" about how evil Obamacare is because her change in healthcare plans resulted in a whopping fucking total difference of $2.00 per year??

There are still approximately 30 million Americans who are living on the edge of economic doom because they are walking around with absolutely no healthcare insurance whatsoever -- mostly due to GOPTeabagger intransigent dumbassery in Congress and at the state's level.

How about if we grab a handful of those people and ask them what they think of Julie Boonstra's $2.00 dilemma?  The Gadfly is willing to wager $5.00 that her $2.00 "crisis" wouldn't elicit much sympathy from those folks.

Lord - these people are just so sickening to watch and listen to.


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