Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Treason By Any Other Name . . . . .

Jeebus . . .

Jim Garrow brought his tall tale about President Obama trying to murder him to The Pete Santilli Show on Friday, where he also plugged the anti-Obama Operation American Spring. Santilli, the radio host who called for the murder of Obama and for Hillary Clinton to be “shot in the vagina” and has advocated for violence against the government, said that a national strike and even a military coup is necessary to bring down the Obama administration.
“I’m not calling for — well, yes I’m calling for the military to restore our Republic. Is it a military coup? I would say that it’s probably the most orderly fashion to do this,” Santilli told Garrow, who responded that it would take just “three percent of the population to rise up” and “control the country.”

Yes, because nothing says Democracy and liberty more than instigating the military to violently overthrow a popularly and democratically elected government and then putting the 3% (assuming of course that these morons could even convince that many people to follow them) of the populace who supported the coup in control.

Now dear reader, do you understand why The Gadfly has such a visceral loathing of these fuckhead right wing nutbags?


Offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one's country or of assisting its enemies in war. In the U.S., the framers of the Constitution defined treason narrowly—as the levying of war against the U.S. or the giving of aid and comfort to its enemies—in order to lessen the possibility that those in power might falsely or loosely charge their political opponents with treason. See also sedition.
This entry comes from Encyclopรฆdia Britannica Concise.
For the full entry on treason, visit


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