Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Mandatory Drug Tests for DEA Officials -- It's Obvious They Are High on Something . . . .

[ click on pic to enlarge ]

Not only bullshit and wrong, but laughably and provably bullshit and wrong:

WASHINGTON -- The decision of Washington state and Colorado to legalize a plant directly responsible for the deaths of zero people is "reckless and irresponsible," a top Drug Enforcement Administration official said Wednesday.
“It scares us,” James L. Capra, the DEA chief of operations, said at a Senate hearing on drug cultivation in Afghanistan, according to The Washington Post. “Every part of the world where this has been tried, it has failed time and time again.”

The Gadfly hates to burst your outrage bubble Mr. DEA official, but the fact of the matter is that your organization has had 40+ years and spent over a half a trillion dollars (an average of $14 billion per year) in the ridiculous "war on drugs," which has been nothing but a massively incompetent and supremely failed disaster.  Other than utter failure, the one other glaring measurable result of your idiotic war has been America becoming a nation that only has 5 percent of the planet's population, but houses more than 25 percent of the world's prisoners.  A great many of them non-violent drug offenders.  If that isn't a sign of UTTER FUCKING FAILURE - what is?!

Also Mr. DEA official - pompously claiming that decriminalization efforts in other countries has "failed time and time again," is a pretty brazen statement considering a simple Google search on the subject will produce enough reputable evidence to the contrary which means you are either a brazen liar or you are sadly uninformed, which in either case, demonstrates that you are not fit for the job you are presently receiving a taxpayer-funded salary for.

The DEA receives billions in funding year after year after year and it's record of failure just simply continues to expand in magnitude of monetary costs as well as societal costs.  The Gadfly cannot think of any other government entity with such a prolific track record of consistent failure as the DEA.  Period.

It is long past time to put a merciful and ignominious end to the war on drugs, defund the DEA, take away the money laundering profits of the banksters and drug cartels, and invest the money in to more practical and more successful efforts such as drug education and prevention and addiction treatment and rehabilitation.


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