Thursday, January 9, 2014

Hmmm ... Should I Pay My Electricity and Water Bills, or Buy Little Jane and Johnny Pencils? -- Decisions! Decisions! . . .

Boy, if this isn't the perfect picture that paints a clear portrait as to what is wrong with America today, then The Gadfly doesn't know what is:

That dear readers is an advertisement on the website of a Nevada Credit Union offering Nevada public K-12 teachers personal loans so that they can purchase school supplies for their students.

What does that say about us as a society when we have gone so far down the rabbit hole of anti-taxes zealotry, that our public school teachers find it necessary to incur personal debt in order to provide basic schoolroom necessities such as pencils and paper for their students.

This country's priorities are so fucked up and out of whack that it is just pathetic.

Thank you Ronald Reagan and 35 years of conservative governing assholery -- heckuva job.


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