Friday, December 20, 2013

Everything is Just Ducky . . . . .

There will be light posting by The Gadlfy over the coming week due to seasonal activities that The Gadfly is duty bound to participate in, but fret not, The Gadfly is truly looking forward to the coming new year and ratcheting up his muckraking mission to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.


Meanwhile, as 1.3 million Americans are on the cusp of having their long term federal unemployment insurance benefits dry up in the blink of an eye, the people who claim the mantle of being America's "mainstream" media are ignoring that real-life, human impacting story because they are much too busy tut-tutting and falling like dominoes on to their fainting couches about some backwater redneck patriarch who has parlayed his family redneck business into a tidy sum of wealth and in the process become a "reality" television star, publicly saying some fairly nasty and un-Christian things about gays and African Americans.

First off, The Gadfly does not give a flying monkey's sphincter about Duck Dodgers of Dynastyville or whatever the fuck "reality" show the old, dry-rot brained bigot Phil Robertson is a "star" of.  Just .. does .. not .. care.  Mr. Clampett, er...Robertson, is fully entitled to his public opinions, as hateful and ignorant as they are, and if it is his desire to present his self to the world as a boorish, vindictive asshole, then that is entirely his constitutionally guaranteed prerogative.

But mark The Gadfly's words, watch as in the coming days, the right wingers in this country attempt to portray this knuckle-dragging hick as the poor, defenseless victim in this whole sordid scenario.  Watch as they try to elevate him to hero status on the level of some of the icons of the civil rights movement or the international human rights movement.  Watch how they cry rivers of crocodile tears about how the poor cracker's free speech rights have been infringed upon and about how intolerant the mean old liberals are being to him.  Watch how they masterfully play the lapdog media like a fiddle and elicit haughty pundit opinion pieces chastising liberals for their intolerance and contributing to the coarsening of public discourse in the country.  (pssst!:  all of the aforementioned is already occurring - click here and here and here).

Well -- you go ahead and watch it all dear readers, because The Gadfly is not planning to do so. The Gadfly has about as much interest in watching that maudlin Kabuki theater play it's pathetic self out as he has in watching an army of pissed-off fire ants swarm his genital region.

As Christmas and the New Year approach, The Gadfly would much prefer to conserve his combative energies and his biting wit for the really important battles to come against conservative governing idiocy, and make no mistake about it, those are going to be some fierce battles.

In closing of this post, instead of wasting your life force by getting embroiled in this Duck Soup buffoonery, better spent would be your time by contacting your Congress critter's or Senator's office and expressing your displeasure at seeing more than a million of your fellow working Americans having their last resort of income be sacrificed on the gilded alter of supply-side economic austerity -- not to mention the inherent cruelty and immorality of it.


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