Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Little Tax Day Message To Ponder . . .

The Gadfly is convinced that if he were living in a nation of sane, forward looking, reality-based people, there would be no need to point out the obvious - such as this statement re: the rate of taxation Americans pay compared to the rest of the industrialized world (and be sure to check out the chart at the link):

Americans have been trained to resent taxes even though we are trying to run an advanced economy Walmart-style.

When The Gadfly reads that sentence he focuses on the word "trained."  For in reality that word could just as easily be replaced with the word "propagandized" considering it is our political leaders, our corporate owned media and a hard core group of right wing fascists, funded by equally fascist wealthy elites, who have pounded the lie of Americans being overtaxed into the nation's collective mind.

The author of that quote then goes on to say:

My impression is that the citizens of many other countries are far less exercised about higher tax levels because they perceive they are getting value for money (medical services, good public transportation, etc). By contrast, we’ve had a 30 year campaign to make government incompetent by running it on the cheap and demonizing people who work in government jobs, and the result is less service and more corruption. This experiment is working just fine for those wealthy enough to be effectively stateless or to otherwise isolate themselves. And it will probably take at least a generation for the costs (such as public health problems) to afflict even them. Nicely played.

Nicely played indeed.  But as go most acts of deception and subterfuge, it really is only a matter of time before the people tire of being constantly lied to and begin demanding the truth and ultimately reparations for the crimes committed against them.

The Gadfly truly hopes to see the genesis of that direly needed national awakening in his lifetime.


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