Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Heckuva Job Willard! Heckuva Fucking Job!!

KETTERING, Ohio – Mitt Romney repeatedly ignored questions about his position on federal funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) at an event for storm victims Tuesday.
After speaking briefly to supporters and gathering donations Romney, Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and some campaign staffers headed outside into the cold, rainy afternoon and proceeded to load up a yellow Penske truck with supplies, canned goods and other donated items.
“Governor, are you going to see some storm damage?” one reporter asked.
Several others again asked Romney whether he would eliminate FEMA.
“Governor, you’ve been asked 14 times. Why are you refusing to answer the question?” one asked.
Romney ignored the reporters’ queries and continued loading up the truck. Earlier, during the event, he ignored similar queries.
14 times the man who claims he wishes to be the President of all of Americans refused to answer a simple question about his intentions re: the federal government agency, FEMA, that is charged with the life and death task of coordinating the Federal response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and that overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities.

FEMA was created in 1979 and had been a generally successful agency -- until that is -- George W. Bush appointed a political donor/crony (Michael "Heckuva Job" Brown), who had absolutely no crisis management experience whatsoever, to head the agency in 2003.  Then along came a catastrophic weather event known as Hurricane Katrina.  A major American city literally drowned while the head of FEMA, his politically appointed lackeys, and his boss George W. Bush, dithered and dallied and for all intents and purposes put the level of their rank incompetence on display for the whole world to see.  Nearly 2000 Americans died and the city of New Orleans has yet to fully recover from that disaster.

Now we have yet another Republican "leader" who today demonstrated truly what a coward he is.  The reason Willard Mitt Romney ignored those 14 queries from the press re: how he would handle FEMA is because he wouldn't handle it.  He would let his political henchmen handle it.  Romney is on the public record as stating he would eliminate FEMA and turn disaster relief efforts over to the states, local government entities and private enterprise.  Yeah - because we know how fucking well the idea of adding the dynamic of a profit motive and turning over the responsibility of dealing with a human crisis issue like, oh say war for instance, (Iraq and Afghanistan private contractors are the perfect example) has worked out.  The result was rampant incompetence and corruption and billions of wasted (more likely embezzled) taxpayer dollars.

Here's video of the Willard stating exactly and clearly what his plans for FEMA are:

So just remember folks - that next flood, tornado, hurricane, earthquake, natural gas explosion, etc., that devastates your community, don't even bother looking to a would-be President Romney for any leadership or help.  That kind of help is reserved for his hedge fund pals and bankers on Wall Street and his financial advisers in the Cayman Islands and Bermuda -- not for real-life, insignifican peons like you and I.

You've got a clear choice come Nov. 6th people -- crystal clear.


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