Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Into The Deep . . .

The usually staid Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo is now asking the same question that The Gadfly has been asking for weeks now . . . how deep?  How deep does the Russian ratfucking really go?

Does Vladimir Putin have something on Trump? Is there money involved? Is it simply that in the nature of things Putin can expose the collusion that took place during the 2016 campaign. Perhaps it’s just an on-going arrangement freely engage in on both sides. Of course, we can speculate that President Trump simply has a profound admiration and attraction to Putin which makes any criticism impossible. But that would if anything be worse than kompromat and bribes. Something is clearly wrong, very wrong. The President is not able to act in America’s interest with regard to Russia. And that unexplained subservience sends shockwaves across numerous critical US alliances, particularly in Europe.

It is important to note that there is no single policy that is in America’s interest. There is a range of policies and ways of dealing with Russia, some more aggressive than others. Those are different policies each rooted in different strategies and interpretations of statecraft. But they are united by a calculus that puts the interests of the United States first without any conflicting allegiances, corrupt alliances or compromised intentions. For now, we simply don’t have that.

That isn’t just a massive indictment of President Trump. It’s a great danger for the United States and every American citizen. Because on this critical front – not an existential threat, not the only or even necessarily the greatest threat – our government is decapitated at the top. We don’t know how far this goes.

Rumor is that Trump and that little cherub-faced troll Devin Nunes are looking to go after AG Jeff Sessions and/or his deputy Rod Rosenstein, with the intended, combined goal of throttling or even shutting down the Mueller investigation.  When that occurs dear readers -- all shit is going to hit the fan and this country is going to go through some very bad, painful and dangerous times.

. . . . . . 

Just saying folks . . . just saying.


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