Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Guns of Navarro . . . . Advice to Trump Apologists - Don't Fuck With this Lady . . .

Long time GOP strategist Ana Navarro used to frequently annoy The Gadfly with some of her right-leaning views on certain issues, but The Gadfly always thought that she had more intellectual heft than your average conservative mouthpiece.  Then came the era of Drumpf.  And while Navarro still identifies herself as a life-long Republican, she has shifted her ire off of the Democrats and liberals and refocused it like a laser beam directly on to Drumpf and his horror show administration.

Ana Navarro basically has become a one-woman debating army, and, who unlike most of the cable news bobble head hosts, does not hesitate to go right for the jugular whenever she's clashing with one of Drumpf's insufferable and duplicitous spokespeople.  Navarro is adept at quickly sniffing out bullshit and she's very good at either making them eat their words or leaves them looking like stuttering buffoons trying to defend the indefensible.

Watch as she slices and dices, then curb-stomps twerpy Drumpf hackolyte Ben Ferguson for his smarmy flim-flammery, and then goes in for the bloody kill:

That's how it's done folks.  No hemming and hawing and no indecision.  The moment Ferguson let's fly with the deception and inanities Navarro is sticking a razor sharp shiv in to his rib cage and slowly twisting it.  It's kind of beautiful to watch actually - and especially so considering it's a strong, intelligent Latina woman taking down a loud mouth, white-privileged male who thinks his and his boss's shit doesn't stink and that they can dissemble with impunity.

Navarro is the best thing on CNN right now, which admittedly isn't saying a whole lot, but her guts and her fearlessness in taking street fight tactics to these Drumpf assholes does provide some measure of hope, slim as it may be, that the mainstream media isn't quite ready to knuckle under to the dictator wannabe in the White House just yet.


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