Friday, January 17, 2014

So Long Suckers!! . . . . Nice to See 'Ya, Wouldn't Wanna be 'Ya . . . . . . .

Gee -- what a shocking development (The Gadfly rolls his eyes in an over dramatized manner):

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Freedom Industries, the company that fouled thousands of West Virginians' water with a chemical leak into the Elk River last week, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy Friday.
Freedom owes $3.6 million to its top 20 unsecured creditors, according to bankruptcy documents. The company also owes more than $2.4 million in unpaid taxes to the Internal Revenue Service, and the IRS has placed at least three liens on Freedom's property, demanding payment.
The West Virginia Bureau of Employment Programs has placed at least two liens on Freedom's property, for about $4,000 in unpaid unemployment compensation insurance. Those liens were filed in 2002 and 2003. 
The unpaid taxes date back to at least 2000, according to a lien filed in 2010.
Under the bankruptcy code, Chapter 11 permits a company to reorganize and continue operating.
The filing also puts a hold on all of the lawsuits filed against Freedom Industries.

Our Galtian, free-market overlords doing what they do best -- fucking up things along with people's lives and then doing everything in their power to avoid being held accountable for their malfeasance.

According to the bankruptcy filing, this company appears to have had some pretty serious, ongoing debt issues, including unpaid federal taxes going back 14 years.  How the fuck does such a financially shady outfit ever get approved to be in the business of handling toxic/hazardous materials to begin with?  Hmmm?   C'mon dear readers - you know the answer to that question - let's all say it aloud together on the count of 3 --- 1..2..3 --- NO REGULATORY OVERSIGHT!!

As such in this case, it looks like the good, hard working, tax paying citizens of West Virginia not only are going to be saddled with a chemically polluted water system, but also the invoice for having to clean the shit up.

But hey, it's all in the name of FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM!!!  So not only does that make it acceptable, but it is also patriotic.


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