Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hmm...Decisions, Decisions . . . Vote For the Party of Craven Politicians, or the Party of Craven Politicians Who also Happen to be one Goose-Step short of Totalitarianism?

Others who ply their blogging trade on the intertoobs have already pointed this out today, but here are a few policy issues that, in his SOTU, The President pledged to address to some extent or another in the remainder of his term.  Quite tellingly, not a single one of these proposals received so much as even a smattering of polite applause from the Republicans.  On the contrary -- every one was instead met with snide grimaces from the party of values spouting patriots:

  • That America will be the better off in seeing a final, ignominious end to the 12 year long war in Afghanistan.
  • That Congress should not play games of chicken with the full faith and credit of the United States.
  • Congress needs to act to put more Americans to work in the tech manufacturing sector
  • The President will use executive power to protect our currently protected natural resources.
  • The Oil conglomerates do not need tax breaks.
  • Congress should restore unemployment insurance that it allowed to expire at the end of the year.
  • Women deserve equal pay for equal work.
  • Americans who work full time should not have to raise a family in poverty, so Congress should raise the minimum wage to $10.10
  • Congress should not attempt to repeal the ACA 40 more times.
  • Individual citizens votes, and not big money donations, should drive democracy.
  • America does not need any more Sandy Hook Elementary shooting tragedies.

And the GOP could not find it within themselves to openly approve of a single one of those policy proposals -- not one.  Therefore, as far as The Gadfly is concerned then, that is a clear signal that they unambiguously take the following opposing positions:

  • Everlasting war and death in Afghanistan.  Hoorah!!
  • Who gives a rat's ass about the nation's credit rating?
  • Jobs?  Fuck jobs.  Obstruction to the end!
  • If Obama even tries to use executive privilege (just once) even though George W. Bush invoked it 7 times during his Presidency, we the GOP will impeach!! **
  • Oil Conglomerates are people too!
  • Fuck the extension of unemployment benefits.  Tell the lazy moochers to get a job!
  • Women and men are not equal - women have vaginas and men have penises - and the penis is mightier than the vagina -- and that is why dudes get paid more for the same type of work.
  • More whining about poverty wages.  Fuck the poor!  The Koch Brothers need more tax breaks!
  • Americans don't need no stinking affordable health care!  We're going to double our wasteful efforts and the number of attempts to repeal Obamacare - never give up!
  • Only land owning white males deserve the right to vote.
  • The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of toddlers.  Therefore - a gun in every waistband - because --- Freeeeeeeeeeedom!

If, and it's a mighty tenuous if, the Democrats were even the least bit forward looking, somebody would be diligently working on a political television ad based on this glaring disparity in ideological pursuits between the parties.  It really does delineate quite clearly where each side stands on some very major issues which directly affect most of the people in the country.

Be that as it may, The Gadfly will not be holding his breath in hopes that the jackass party is quite that cunning.


**Update:  While the "executive privilege" count noted above is correct, "executive orders" are a separate category.  However, even in that category, the Obama administration has had the lowest rate of issuing executive orders in the history of the U.S. Presidency - far lower than the rates of GW Bush I and II and Ronald Reagan.  But why allow facts to ruin a good impeachment rant by the wingnuts eh?

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