Sunday, November 17, 2013

A New Heart, But Still Heartless . . . .

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The Gadfly has always known that Dick Cheney was a heartless sociopath -- watch the Larry King interview in this article's link - you can just sense the malevolence oozing from him.  It is creepy beyond description.

This totally validates The Gadfly's observations of the man's character:

In the interview, King asked Cheney if he wants to find out about his donor. The former VP, ignoring the fact that as one of the world’s most connected people, he can, just by picking up a phone, find out anything about anyone, said that they don’t initially want you to know about the donor but even if they did, “it hasn’t been a priority for me.”
And then, in the part where sentient humans would get emotional, Cheney dryly describes the euphoria of having “my new heart” instead of “someone else’s old heart.”
Oh, but lest you think Cheney is a complete monster, he “generically” thanks organ donors.
When I came out from under the anesthetic after the transplant, I was euphoric.  I’d had–I’d been given the gift of additional lives, additional years of life.  For the family of the donor, they’d just been [through] some terrible tragedy, they’d lost a family member.  Can’t tell why, obviously, when you don’t know the details, but the way I think of it from a psychological standpoint is that it’s my new heart, not someone else’s old heart. And I always thank the donor, generically thank donors for the gift that I’ve been given, but I don’t spend time wondering who had it, what they’d done, what kind of person.

Dick Cheney blissfully sent young men and women to fight and die for no goddamn good reason at all except to enrich his friends in the military industrial complex.  It is wholly unsurprising to know that he is completely disinterested in knowing anything about the human being who gave him life with a donor heart, or even the family of the loved one who was Dick's savior donor.

Dick Cheney is a amoral degenerate.  A dry drunk and coward and it's a goddamn shame that conservatives have elevated him to a prominent pedestal within their movement.  History will not be kind to Dick Cheney or those who enabled his rise to political power.

The Gadfly, as a personal rule, does not wish ill will upon his political adversaries - and especially not the ultimate penalty - death.  However, in the case of Richard Bruce Cheney, The Gadfly must confess that he is repulsed just knowing that he shares oxygen on this planet with such a fiendish sadist.  And it goes without saying that when Dick Cheney departs this plane of existence, The Gadfly will not shed tears and will sleep quite comfortably knowing that the world will be a better, and kinder place sans the man called Dick.

And that is about all that The Gadfly has to say on this sordid matter.


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